Payment Breakdown Sample Clauses

Payment Breakdown. 付款明细  You do not currently have credit facilities with Hilton Worldwide or us. Deposit payments are required as follows:  贵方目前未与Hilton Worldwide 或我方建立信用关系。押金应按照以下方式支付:  RMB70,000.00 payable upon signing of Event Agreement before August.6 2020.  2020 年 8 月 6 日前签署活动协议并支付活动预付款人民币 70,000.00 元。  The company organizer will be having credit card guarantee the total balance and other fee about RMB 50,000.00 on the day of arrival or before arrival day.  在在入住当日或者入住日期前提供信用卡刷取剩余的 5,000.00 元预授权并签署等额的信用卡支付授权表格,酒店只接受信用卡持卡人本人在线预授权操作,非持卡人本人或离线预授权恕不接受。  剩余的费用(以实际发生的费用为准)将在活动结束后开具发票后七个工作日内支付。 信用卡预授权则在结清余款后取消,如逾期未能付清余款则酒店有权从信用卡预授权中扣除剩余全款。 Payment Instructions 付款指示  收款人为“龙门富力房地产开发有限公司酒店分公司”,  or by major credit card as per the Standard Terms and Conditions (see Terms of Payment),  或按照标准条款和条件的规定以主要信用卡支付(参见支付条款),  or by Bank Transfer to the following details:  或通过银行转账的方式支付至以下账户: Sort Code: 银行代码: 102595402563 Account Number: 账户号码: 2008025619200203113 Beneficiary Account Name: 收款人户名: 龙门富力房地产开发有限公司酒店分公司 Bank / Branch Name: 银行 / 分行名称: 工行惠州龙门支行营业室  Please send your remittance advice direct or fax on +00(0)0000000000, stating the invoices being paid and date of payment to our account.  请将贵方的汇款通知发送至 或传真至+00(0)0000000000,说明支付款项对应的发票和支付至我方账户的日期。  KINDLY QUOTE THE BOOKING NAME AND ARRIVAL DATE ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE. 请在所有的通讯中引述预订名称和入 住日。 Entire Agreement: This Event Agreement, together with the Standard Terms and Conditions (attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference), appendices, addenda and exhibits attached hereto (if any), upon signature by both parties below, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may not be amended or changed unless done so in writing and signed by the parties. If this Event Agreement or any attachments thereto are returned signed but with changes, it shall not constitute an acceptance, but rather a counteroffer by you that may be accepted or rejected in writing by us in our sole discretion. Once both you and we sign this Event Agreement, all provisions reserved on your behalf will be confirmed and therefore subject to the terms of this Event Agreement. 完整协议:本活动协议、标准条款和条件(作为本协议的附件且通过引述构成本协议的一部分)以及本协议的附件、附录及附表(如有)一经以下双方签署,即构成双方之间的完整协议,只有采用书面形式且经双方签署方可被修订或修改。如果在返还本协议或其任何附件签署版本的同时进行了修改,不得视为我方已接受了该等修改,而应视为贵方的反要约,我方可以自行决定以书面形式接受或拒绝该反要约。一旦贵方和我方签署了本活动协议,代表贵方所作的预留将被确认并受限于本活动协议的规定。 Governing Language: This Event Agreement, together with the Standard Terms and Conditions, is in English and C...
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Related to Payment Breakdown

  • Cost Breakdown When the Modification is proposed, the Contractor shall furnish a complete breakdown of actual costs of both credits and extras, itemizing materials, labor, taxes, overhead and profit. Subcontract work shall be so indicated. All costs must be fully documented. The following limitations shall apply:

  • Breakdown b. Repair;

  • Mechanical Breakdowns 15.1 Any mechanical problems associated with the Vehicle must be reported to Apollo as soon as possible in order to give Apollo the opportunity to rectify the problem during the rental period. Equipment failure must also be reported to Apollo.

  • Subcontract Costs Payments made by the Construction Manager to Subcontractors in accordance with the requirements of the subcontracts.

  • Project Cost Overruns In the event that the Recipient determines that the moneys granted pursuant to Section II hereof, together with the Local Subdivision Contribution, are insufficient to pay in full the costs of the Project, the Recipient may make a request for supplemental assistance to its District Committee. The Recipient must demonstrate that such funding is necessary for the completion of the Project and the cost overrun was the result of circumstances beyond the Recipient's control, that it could not have been avoided with the exercise of due care, and that such circumstances could not have been anticipated at the time of the Recipient's initial application. Should the District Committee approve such request the action shall be recorded in the District Committee's official meeting minutes and provided to the OPWC Director for the execution of an amendment to this Agreement.

  • Default – Reprocurement Costs In case of Contract breach by Contractor, resulting in termination by the County, the County may procure the goods and/or services from other sources. If the cost for those goods and/or services is higher than under the terms of the existing Contract, Contractor will be responsible for paying the County the difference between the Contract cost and the price paid, and the County may deduct this cost from any unpaid balance due the Contractor. The price paid by the County shall be the prevailing market price at the time such purchase is made. This is in addition to any other remedies available under this Contract and under law.

  • Outage Repair Standard In the event of an outage or trouble in any Service being provided by a Party hereunder, the Providing Party will follow Verizon’s standard procedures for isolating and clearing the outage or trouble.

  • Scheduled Downtime For the purposes of this Agreement, Scheduled Downtime will mean those hours, as determined by us but which will not occur between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday through Friday without your authorization or unless exigent circumstances exist, during which time we will perform scheduled maintenance or adjustments to the Environment. We will use our best efforts to provide you with at least twenty-four (24) hours of notice prior to scheduling Scheduled Downtime.

  • Project Costs Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the Company shall disclose to the Department all of the Project Costs which the Company seeks to include for purposes of determining the limitation of the amount of the Credit pursuant to Section 5-30 of the Act and provide to the Department a Schedule of Project Costs in the form as attached hereto as Exhibit C.

  • Safety, breakdowns and accidents 17.5.1 The Concessionaire shall ensure safe conditions for the Users and passengers, and in the event of unsafe conditions, it shall follow the relevant operating procedures and undertake removal of obstruction and debris without delay. Such procedures shall conform to the provisions of this Agreement, Applicable Laws, Applicable Permits and Good Industry Practice.

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