Examples of Welfare in a sentence
XXXX is an acronym used for the Building Employee Redundancy Trust (ACN 82 010 917 281) (XXXX Fund) as described in the Trust Deed creating the XXXX Fund; BEWT is an acronym for the Building Employees Welfare Trust.
Note 5: EMPLOYEE AND FAMILY WELFARE (Refer to Clause 57 – Employee and Family Welfare) From 1 March 2024 a payment of $0.95 shall be paid per week per employee for Employees and their immediate Families benefit.
The Company will forward all completed Application for Membership Forms and Health and Welfare Forms to the Union.
Each party hereto shall comply with any and all applicable local, state and federal laws, regulations and standards relating to patients’ rights, including, without limitation, California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5325, Sections 862 through 868 of Title 9 of the California Code of Regulations (“C.C.R.”) and 42 C.F.R. Section 438.100.
If there are any violations of this assurance, CDSS shall have the right to invoke fiscal sanctions or other legal remedies in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 10605, or Government Code section 11135-11139.5, or any other laws, or the issue may be referred to the appropriate federal agency for further compliance action and enforcement of this assurance.