WACOG definition

WACOG means NWN’s weighted average cost of gas.
WACOG means, for any period, an LDC's weighted average cost of gas for such period, which is generally derived by an LDC from weighting its gas volumes by the gas prices it has had to pay under specific gas contracts to produce one average price for its gas supply portfolio.
WACOG means the weighted average cost of gas determined on a monthly basis by EMRA.

Examples of WACOG in a sentence

  • The monthly core Weighted Average Cost of Gas (WACOG), exclusive of storage costs and Revenue Fees and Uncollectible (RF&U) accounts expense, which is multiplied by:b.

  • The estimated WACOG for the period November 1st through October 31st is calculated by the following formula: (Forecasted Purchases at Adjusted Contract Prices) divided by (forecasted sales volumes).

  • If a Customer was on either Annual Sales WACOG or Winter Sales WACOG during the prior PGA Year, then they will receive the Account 191 portion of the Temporary Adjustment (charge or credit) in effect for the current PGA Year.

  • Subject to the relevant Storage Terms or LNG Importation Terms, a transferor may effect from the start of the Storage Year a Storage Gas Transfer in favour of a transferee in respect of the lesser of the relevant surplus and the relevant deficit, and the transferee shall pay to the transferor an amount determined by multiplying the amount of the transferred gas-in-storage by the relevant WACOG of the transferor.

  • In determining Operating Margins WACOG in respect of a surplus or a deficit Operating Margins Facility, gas withdrawn or injected as Carry-Across Gas shall be treated as having been withdrawn from or (as the case may be) injected to such facility on the Day such withdrawal or injection occurs.

  • Please note: Utilities and Rental assistance requires the following:(a) Confirm with other local community agencies (i.e. WACOG) or State funded programs the availability of service.

  • Scenario #1: Remittance to Supplier will be reduced for volumes delivered in excess of billed customer consumption at the difference between the Company’s actual WACOG and the Supplier’s weighted average price.

  • Scenario #4: Remittance to Supplier will be reduced for amounts billed to customers in excess of the volumes delivered at the difference between the Company’s actual WACOG and the Supplier’s weighted average price.

  • The school board only received information directly from data teams during similar days.

  • Scenario #2: Remittance to Supplier will be increased for amounts delivered in excess of customer billed consumption at the difference between the Company’s actual WACOG and the Supplier’s weighted average price.

More Definitions of WACOG

WACOG with "Base Price".
WACOG means, for any period, the weighted average cost of gas for such period, which is generally derived by weighting the gas volumes by the gas prices paid under specific gas contracts to produce one average price for a gas supply portfolio. Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa and words importing any gender include all genders. All dollar amounts herein are in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated. All share and unit amounts relating to Preference Shares, Common Shares and Units reflect each of the 2:1 subdivisions effective July 29, 2002 and January 30, 2004. SCHEDULE “B”—JEC SHAREHOLDERS’ AGREEMENT (March 31, 2010) On April 30, 2001 the Fund, a predecessor of JEC, the shareholders of a predecessor of JEC (including former shareholders who were issued Units in lieu of Preference Shares), Exchange, Electrico and the shareholders of Electrico entered into the JEC Shareholders’ Agreement which Agreement was amended and restated by the Clarification and Restatement Agreement and further amended by the Consent and Approval Agreement. The following is a summary of the material provisions of the JEC Shareholders’ Agreement as amended and restated which does not purport to be complete. Reference is made to the JEC Shareholders’ Agreement for a complete text of its provisions. Directors of OESC The JEC Shareholders’ Agreement provides that the board of directors of JEC shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of ten directors, with the initial number of directors set at eight. The JEC Shareholders’ Agreement provides that at least a majority of the directors shall be persons who are not officers or employees of JEC or any of its affiliates (as defined in the OBCA) or persons who beneficially own, directly or indirectly, or who exercise control or direction over, Units representing more than 10% of the outstanding Units on a fully-diluted basis or directors or officers of any such person or any of its affiliates. Transfer of Common Shares and Preference Shares On March 20, 2008, the JEC Shareholders’ Agreement was amended to permit the transfer of Preference Shares to persons who were not parties thereto contingent on such parties’ simultaneous exchange of such Preference Shares for Units. Other than the above-indicated transfer, until the Fund is liquidated, the Class A Preference Shares may only be sold or otherwise disposed of pursuant to the Shareholder Exchange Rights and the related purchase for cancellation of such shares ...

Related to WACOG

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