Valuation Obligation Category definition

Valuation Obligation Category means one of Payment, Borrowed Money, Bond, Loan, or Bond or Loan (each as defined in Section 3.13(a) (Method for Determining Obligations).
Valuation Obligation Category means one of Payment, Borrowed Money, Reference Obligation Only, Bond, Loan, or Bond or Loan (each as defined in the definition of "Obligation" above, except that, for the purpose of determining Valuation Obligations, the definition of "Reference Obligation Only" shall be amended to state that no Valuation Obligation Characteristics shall be applicable to Reference Obligation Only).
Valuation Obligation Category means one of Payment, Borrowed Money, Reference Obligations Only, Bond, Loan, or Bond or Loan (each as defined in Condition 6(j)(i)(1), except that, for the purpose of determining Valuation Obligations, Condition 6(j)(i)(1)(C) shall be amended to state that no Valuation Obligation Characteristics shall be applicable to Reference Obligations Only).

Examples of Valuation Obligation Category in a sentence

  • For purposes of Section 3.2(a) (Valuation Obligation), the term "Valuation Obligation" may be defined as each obligation of the Reference Entity described by the Valuation Obligation Category specified as being applicable in the Standard, and, subject to Section 3.15 (Interpretation of Provisions), having each of the Valuation Obligation Characteristics, if any, specified as being applicable in the Standard, in each case, as of the Valuation Date (unless otherwise specified).

  • For purposes of the application of the Valuation Obligation Category, the Qualifying Guarantee shall be deemed to satisfy the same category or categories as those that describe the Underlying Obligation.

  • Valuation Obligation Category: The Deliverable Obligation Category under the Standard Terms.

  • References in the Credit Derivatives Definitions to "Deliverable Obligation", "Deliverable Obligation Category" and "Deliverable Obligation Characteristics" are deemed to be references to "Valuation Obligation", "Valuation Obligation Category" and "Valuation Obligation Characteristics" respectively.

  • For the purpose of the definition of Valuation Obligation in Condition 6(n) the term " Valuation Obligation" may be defined as each obligation of each Reference Entity described by the specified Valuation Obligation Category, and having each of the specified Valuation Obligation Characteristics, if any, as of the Valuation Date subject as provided below.

More Definitions of Valuation Obligation Category

Valuation Obligation Category means one of Payment, Borrowed Money, Bond, Loan, or Bond or Loan (each as defined in the definition of Obligation Category).
Valuation Obligation Category means Bond or Loan. "Valuation Obligation Characteristics" are as follows:Assignable Loan; Consent Required Loan; Transferable;Maximum Maturity: 30 years; Not Bearer;Specified Currency; Not Contingent; and Not Subordinated. 3. Early Redemption of Notes3.1 Termination on Redemption of NotesUnless a Liquidation Fallback Event has occurred, the following shall apply where the Notes fall due for redemption prior to their scheduled maturity:
Valuation Obligation Category means one of Payment, Borrowed Money, Reference Obligations Only, Bond, Loan, or Bond or Loan (each as defined in the definition of Obligation Category below except that, for the purpose of determining Valuation Obligations, clause (iii) of such definition shall be amended to state that no Valuation Obligation Characteristics shall be applicable to Reference Obligations Only).
Valuation Obligation Category means (i) in respect of any of the European Corporate Reference Entities, Bond or Loan; and (ii) in respect of any of the Russian Federation Reference Entity, the Emerging Market and Middle Eastern Sovereign Reference Entity and the Latin American Sovereign Reference Entity, Bond, and:
Valuation Obligation Category means Bond or Loan. “Valuation Obligation Characteristics” are as follows:Assignable Loan;Consent Required Loan;Transferable;Maximum Maturity: 30 years;Not Bearer; Specified Currency; Not Contingent; and Not Subordinated.5.6 If this Transaction is terminated early pursuant to Section 6(b) of the Agreement, the Notes will become due for redemption pursuant to Condition 8(h) (Redemption for Termination of Swap Agreement) and the provisions of paragraph 3 above shall apply. Accordingly, notwithstanding the designation of any day as the Early Termination Date, this Transaction shall terminate in accordance with such paragraph 3 above and no payments and deliveries shall be due other than those set out in such paragraph 3 above.5.7 Party A hereby agrees to perform all the functions required of it, and Party B hereby agrees that Party A shall be entitled to exercise all rights expressed to be exercisable by Party A, under the terms of the Notes, including (but without limitation) making the calculations and determinations that it is required or entitled to make under the terms of the Notes and delivering the notices that it is required or entitled to deliver under the terms of the Notes. Party B agrees that all such calculations, determinations and deliveries of notices that are effected by Party A shall be conclusive for all purposes.5.8 Party A and Party B hereby acknowledge and agree that the parties will be obliged to perform their obligations under the Transaction and irrespective of the existence or amount of their exposure to any Reference Entity or Collateral CDS Reference Entity and neither party shall be required to suffer any loss, liability or other detriment or to provide evidence of any loss, liability or detriment at any time in order to receive any amount which is expressed to be payable or deliverable to it under this Confirmation.5.9 The Transaction is not intended to constitute, and neither party is treating it as, a contract of annuity, suretyship, insurance, guarantee or indemnity, and neither Party A nor Party B will assert any defence to payment or performance based on the allegation that the Transaction is a contract of annuity, suretyship, insurance, guarantee or indemnity. 6 Deferral of Termination DateIf on or before the Scheduled Termination Date, the Calculation Agent determines that after the Scheduled Termination Date a Credit Event Determination Date may occur (assuming the Notes remained outstanding) in respect of a Credit Event ...
Valuation Obligation Category means Loan (as that term is defined in the 2003 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions as supplemented by the May 2003 Supplement to the 2003 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions the “2003 Definitions” and
Valuation Obligation Category means any one of Payment, Borrowed Money, Reference Obligations Only, Bond, Loan or Bond or Loan.