Tier 2 Instruments definition

Tier 2 Instruments means at any time tier 2 instruments as interpreted and applied in accordance with the Applicable Banking Regulations;
Tier 2 Instruments means capital instruments or subordinated loans that meet the conditions laid down in Article 63 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013;
Tier 2 Instruments means any (directly or indirectly issued) capital instruments of the Issuer that qualify as Tier 2 instruments pursuant to Article 63 CRR, including any capital (or other) instruments that qualify as Tier 2 items pursuant to transitional provisions under the CRR.]

Examples of Tier 2 Instruments in a sentence

  • The Subordinated Notes and any related Coupons are direct, unsecured and subordinated obligations of the Issuer that are intended to qualify for regulatory purposes as Tier 2 Instruments to be included in the Tier 2 Capital of the Issuer in accordance with Article 63 of the CRR and Part II, Chapter 1 of Circular No. 285 (or any successor rules under the Applicable Banking Regulations).

  • The Notes constitute direct, unsecured and subordinated obligations of the Issuer, and Tier 2 Instruments.

  • This item should indicate: Common Stock, CPP TARP Preferred, CS USG Investment, CS Warrants, Cumulative Dated Preferred (TRUPS), Cumulative Perpetual Preferred (CPP), Mandatory ConvertiblePreferred (MCP), MCP USG Preferred, NCPP Convertible, Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred (NCPP), Other Tier 1 Instruments, Other Tier 2 Instruments, REIT Preferred, Subordinated Debt, USG Preferred TRUPS, or Subordinated Debt.

  • This item should indicate: Common Stock, CPP TARP Preferred, CS USG Investment, CS Warrants, Cumulative DatedPreferred (TRUPS), Cumulative Perpetual Preferred (CPP), Mandatory Convertible Preferred (MCP), MCP USG Preferred, NCPP Convertible, Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred (NCPP), Other Tier 1 Instruments, Other Tier 2 Instruments, REIT Preferred, Subordinated Debt, USG Preferred TRUPS, or Subordinated Debt.

  • That is, they allow code from another account to directly operate on the storage of calling account.

More Definitions of Tier 2 Instruments

Tier 2 Instruments means any and all securities or other obligations issued (a) by CSG or CS (in either case whether or not acting through a branch) or (b) by any Subsidiary of CSG and having the benefit of a guarantee, credit support agreement or similar undertaking of CSG or CS, each of which securities or other obligations under (a) and (b) qualify, or are issued in respect of a security that qualifies, as Tier 2 Capital of CSG, CS and/or the Group (without regard to quantitative limits on such capital) on a consolidated (Finanzgruppe) or on an unconsolidated (Einzelinstitut) basis;
Tier 2 Instruments means basic and ancillary own-fund items that meet the conditions laid down in Article 94(2) of Directive 2009/38/EC;
Tier 2 Instruments means capital instruments that qualify as own funds under Article 56(f) and (h) of Directive 2006/48/EC;
Tier 2 Instruments means any securities or other instruments that at the time of issuance constitute Tier 2 capital of the Issuer.
Tier 2 Instruments means at any time tier 2 instruments as interpreted and applied in accordance with the Applicable Banking Regulations;a “Trigger Event” means, at any time, that the CET1 Ratio of either the Issuer on a solo basis, or the Group on a consolidated basis (as the case may be) on such date is less than the Trigger Level. Whether a Trigger Event has occurred at any time shall be determined by the Issuer, the Relevant Authority or any agent appointed for such purpose by the Relevant Authority and such calculation shall be binding on the holders of the Notes;
Tier 2 Instruments means any (directly or indirectly issued) capital instruments of the Issuer that qualify as Tier 2 instruments pursuant to Article 63 CRR, including any capital (or other) instruments that qualify as Tier 2 items pursuant to transitional provisions under the CRR.](2) No Set-off/Netting, No Security/Guarantee and No Enhancement of Seniority. The Notes are not subject to any set off arrangements or netting rights that would undermine their capacity to absorb losses in resolution [in the case of Subordinated Notes insert:, insolvency or liquidation of the Issuer].The Notes are neither secured, nor subject to any guarantee or any other arrangement that enhances the seniority of the claims under the Notes.(3) No Subsequent Modifications of the Ranking and the Term as well as any Notice Periods. No subsequent agreement may modify the ranking of the Notes or shorten the term of the Notes or any applicable notice period.[In the case of Notes governed by Romanian law insert:Any other subsequent agreements to modify these Terms and Conditions will be subject to compliance with the Applicable Supervisory Regulations for the Notes to qualify as [in the case of Preferred Senior Notes and Non-Preferred Senior Notes insert: eligible liabilities instruments] [in the case of Subordinated 2 Only relevant for the Notes issued by Erste Group Bank, BCR, Česká spořitelna and Erste Bank Hungary. Notes insert: Tier 2 Instruments] (including, for the avoidance of doubt, where relevant, the conditions to redemption and repurchase set out in § 5 ([6])).Any amendments to these Terms and Conditions will not be made if and to the extent that, in the determination of the Issuer, the same could reasonably be expected to (i) result in a change in the regulatory classification of the Notes that would be likely to result in their exclusion from own funds or reclassification as a lower quality form of own funds, or (ii) prejudice the qualification of the Notes as eligible liabilities or loss absorbing capacity instruments for the purposes of the Applicable Supervisory Regulations.]
Tier 2 Instruments means any (directly or indirectly issued) capital instruments of the Issuer that qualify as Tier 2 instruments pursuant to Article 63 CRR, including any capital (or other) instruments that qualify as Tier 2 items pursuant to transitional provisions under the CRR.](2) No Set-off/Netting, No Security/Guarantee and No Enhancement of Seniority. The Notes are not subject to any set off arrangements or netting rights that would undermine their capacity to absorb losses in resolution.The Notes are neither secured, nor subject to any guarantee or any other arrangement that enhances the seniority of the claims under the Notes.(3) Subsequent Modifications of the Ranking and the Term as well as any Notice Periods. No subsequent agreement may modify the ranking of the Notes or shorten the term of the Notes or any applicable notice period.