The Bid definition

The Bid means the offer or proposal of the Bidder to be submitted for the works in accordance with the stipulations set forth in this Bidding Documents.
The Bid means the Stockport Town Centre Business Improvement District; “BID Area” means the area within which the Company operates the BID;

Examples of The Bid in a sentence

  • The Bid price shall be firm for a period specified in the tender document and shall not be subjected to any change whatsoever.

  • The Bid, as well as any and all related correspondence exchanged by the Bidder and UNDP, shall be written in the language (s) specified in the Data Sheet (DS No. 4).

  • The Bid Security of the successful bidder would be returned, without any interest whatsoever, after the receipt of Performance Security from them as called for in the contract.

  • The Bid Packet includes the Notice of Invitation to Bid, the Summary Sheet, Form #1, Form #2, Form #3, Form #4, Form #5, Form #6, the Instructions, Terms and Conditions for Bidders, the Special Requirements, the Technical Specifications, Exhibit A and any addenda or amendments to the Bid Packet.

  • The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Procuring Entity, shall be written in English.

More Definitions of The Bid

The Bid means the bid by the successful Grant Recipient for financial assistance which was prepared in accordance with the bidding guidance documents provided by the Department on 14 September 2020 under the heading “T-TRIG 2020 Grant Specification”, “T-TRIG 2020 Application Form” and “T-TRIG 2020 Application Guidance” which has been approved by the Department and amended as detailed in Annex B. The approved Bid is dated <App Date> and attached at Annex B;
The Bid means, any bid submitted by the Bidders as required in terms of this e-Auction Process Information Document and in accordance with the provisions of IBC read together with the Liquidation Process Regulations and the Applicable Laws;
The Bid means the bid for capacity-building funding pursuant to the Programme submitted by the Grant Recipient on [Insert Date], which has been approved by Homes England;
The Bid means the bid by the successful Grant Recipient for financial assistance which was prepared in accordance with the bidding guidance documents provided by the Department on 5th December 2016 under the heading “DfT-T-TRIG-Grant-Specifications”, “DfT-T-TRIG-Grant-Application-Form” and “DfT-T-TRIG-Guidance” which has been approved by the Department. The approved Bid is dated <App Date> and attached at Annex B;
The Bid means the offer or proposal of the Bidder to be submitted for the consultancy service in
The Bid means the Business Improvement District which is managed and operated by the BID Company and which operates within and is covered by those streets set out below.
The Bid means the bid made to the Funder by the Lead Borough for funding