Technology Rights definition

Technology Rights means BOARD's rights in any technical information, know-how, processes, procedures, compositions, devices, methods, formulae, protocols, techniques, software, designs, drawings or data created by the inventor(s) listed in Exhibit I at UTMDACC before the EFFECTIVE DATE, which are not claimed in PATENT RIGHTS but that are necessary for practicing PATENT RIGHTS.
Technology Rights means Licensor’s rights in technical information, know-how, processes, procedures, compositions, devices, methods, formulas, protocols, techniques, designs, drawings or data created before the Effective Date by Inventors at UT Southwestern and within the Field which are not covered by a Valid Claim but which are necessary or reasonably useful for practicing Patent Rights.
Technology Rights means Licensor’s rights in technical information, know-how, processes, procedures, compositions, devices, methods, formulas, protocols, techniques, designs, drawings or data created before the Effective Date by Inventors while employed at The Ohio State University (“OSU”) and within the Field of Use which are not Covered By any claim or claims included within the Patent Rights, but which are either (1) directly related to the Tech ID listed in Section 1 of the Patent & Technology License Agreement or (2) necessary for practicing inventions claimed in patents and/or patent applications listed in the definition of Patent Rights whether outstanding, expired or abandoned.

Examples of Technology Rights in a sentence

  • Unless earlier terminated as provided herein, the term of the Agreement will commence on the Effective Date and continue until the last date of expiration or termination of the Patent Rights, or if Technology Rights are licensed and no Patent Rights are applicable, for a term of 20 years.

More Definitions of Technology Rights

Technology Rights means Company's rights in technical information, know-how, processes, procedures, compositions, devices, methods, formulas, protocols, techniques, software, designs, drawings or data created or developed by Company at anytime prior to the Effective Date and for the term of this Agreement, which relates to the Licensed Technology and which is not covered by Patent Rights, but are considered necessary for commercially exploiting the Licensed Technology and the use or Sale of the Licensed Product.
Technology Rights means Board’s rights in technical information, know-how, processes, procedures, compositions, devices, methods, formulas, protocols, patterns, compilations, programs, products, techniques, data, preparations, usage information, trade secrets, drawings or data:
Technology Rights means [***].
Technology Rights means Board’s rights in technical information, know-how, processes, procedures, compositions, devices, methods, formulas, protocols, techniques, designs, drawings or data created before the Effective Date by Inventors while employed at MD Xxxxxxxx and within the Field which are not covered by a Valid Claim [insert either: “but which are necessary for practicing inventions claimed in patents and/or patent applications listed in the definition of Patent Rights” or “as described in Exhibit B”.]
Technology Rights means Licensor’s rights in Licensed Material.
Technology Rights means any information relating to PRODUCTS that is not covered by a patent or patent application, including without limitation technical and non-technical information, know-how, methods, processes, procedures, compositions, devices, formulae, protocols, techniques, software, designs, drawings, plans, diagrams, specifications, data, the results of tests or assays, and all other information relating to PRODUCTS.
Technology Rights means The Regentspersonal property rights in the Biological Materials.