Technically Feasible definition

Technically Feasible refers solely to technical or operational concerns, rather than economic, space, or site considerations.
Technically Feasible means that by virtue of engineering or spectrum usage the proposed placement for a small wireless facility, or its design, concealment measures, or site location can be implemented without a reduction in the functionality of the small wireless facility.
Technically Feasible means that a Collocation arrangement is Technically Feasible if, in accordance with either national standards or industry practice, there is no significant technical impediment to its establishment. Technical impediment shall be determined consistent with the definition of Technically Feasible in 47 CFR Section 51.5 to the extent that definition may be effective at the time of such determination. A rebuttable presumption that a Collocation arrangement is Technically Feasible shall arise if the arrangement has been deployed by any ILEC in the country.

Examples of Technically Feasible in a sentence

  • The parties will interconnect their networks using SS7 signaling where Technically Feasible and available as defined in GR 905 Telcordia Standards including ISDN User Part (ISUP) for trunk signaling and TCAP for CCS-based features in the Interconnection of their networks.

  • Interconnection, access to Unbundled Network Elements, collocation and other methods of achieving Interconnection or access to Unbundled Network Elements at a point in the network shall be deemed Technically Feasible absent technical or operational concerns that prevent the fulfillment of a request by a Telecommunications Carrier for such Interconnection, access or methods.

  • Additionally, when diverse facilities are requested by CLEC, CenturyLink will provide such diversity where Technically Feasible and facilities are available at standard CenturyLink Access tariff rates.

  • Additionally, when diverse facilities are requested by CLEC, Brightspeed will provide such diversity where Technically Feasible and facilities are available at rates found in Table 1 or, if ordered as Switched Access Service or Special Access Service, then at the rates found in the appropriate access tariff.

  • The Parties shall establish, through negotiations, at least one (1) of the following Interconnection arrangements, at any Technically Feasible point: (1) a DS1 or DS3 CenturyLink-provided facility; (2) Collocation; (3) negotiated Mid-Span Meet POI facilities; or (4) other Technically Feasible methods of Interconnection via the Bona Fide Request (BFR) process unless a particular arrangement has been previously provided to a third party, or is offered by CenturyLink as a product.

More Definitions of Technically Feasible

Technically Feasible means that by virtue of engineering
Technically Feasible. Interconnection at a point in the network shall be deemed Technically Feasible absent technical or operational concerns that prevent the fulfillment of a request by a Telecommunications Carrier for such Interconnection or access. Telcordia: Means Telcordia Technologies, Inc. which is a leading provider of software and services for the Telecommunications industry, or any successor entity providing the same functions which are referenced in this Agreement. Telecommunications: Shall have the meaning set forth in 47 U.S.C. §153.
Technically Feasible means that enough space is, or can be made, available above ground for the electrical distribution Equipment needed for PG&E to serve customers and that other requirements, such as obtaining the required permits, are met. The required space is defined by existing design standards within the operation and maintenance requirements that are in compliance with applicable safety codes and regulations such as CPUC General Order 128.
Technically Feasible means capable of being accomplished based on existing technology compatible with an applicant’s existing network.
Technically Feasible. A collocation arrangement is technically feasible if, in accordance with either national standards or industry practice, there is no significant technical impediment to its establishment. Deployment by any incumbent LEC of a collocation arrangement gives rise to a rebuttable presumption in favor of a Collocator seeking collocation in SBC-13STATE's Eligible Structures that such an arrangement is technically feasible.
Technically Feasible including burden of proof, is as defined in applicable FCC regulations and Applicable Law.
Technically Feasible means that if there is a reasonable means through technology to accomplish a required result, then that reasonable means must be used.