Examples of Sponsoring agency in a sentence
Sponsoring agency may serve refreshments/meals at training where the food is necessary to achieve the objectives of the training program.
Sponsoring agency may serve light refreshments at award ceremonies honoring individuals recognized under your Civilian Employee Incentive Award Program.
Sponsoring agency may provide a meal at a formal meeting or conference when: 1) the meal would be incidental to the meeting; 2) attendance by employees at the meal is necessary to full participation in the conference or meeting and 3) employees may not take meals elsewhere without being absent from an essential part of the meeting.
Sponsoring agency will be notified in writing when a rider is suspended.
Sponsoring agency instructions will help define the number of periods that should be set up on a proposal.Please refer to the “How to Complete a Budget” section of the “UCF Huron Grants Reference Guide for the Research Community”, in the Help Center for additional information.