Examples of Issuing agency in a sentence
Issuing agency code means a code that designates the registration (or controlling) authority for the enterprise identifier.
IEEE1046 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE 1046, IEEE Application Guide for Distributed Digital Control and Monitoring for Power Plants, 1991 Issuing agency: Professional society, IEEE Power Engineering SocietyType: GuideLevel: Computer systemSize: 105 pagesScope: Use of digital computers in power plants other than nuclear power plants.
Any benefit, payment or other right provided by the Plan shall be provided or made in a manner, and at such time, in such form and subject to such election procedures (if any), as complies with the applicable requirements of Code Section 409A(a)(1), including without limitation, deferring payment until the occurrence of a specified payment event described in Code Section 409A(a)(2).
Adding, in alphabetical order, thedefinitions of Enterprise, Enterprise identifier, Issuing agency, Serialized item, Unique item identifier, and Warranty tracking.
Issuing agency: State of Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality.