slaughtering definition

slaughtering means the mere killing of animals.
slaughtering means the mere killing of animals and subsequent processes such as cutting, chilling, freezing, salting, drying or smoking, for the purpose of preservation for storage and transport.
slaughtering means the mere killing of animals and subsequent processes such as cutting, chilling or freezing, for purposes of preservation for storage and transport.

More Definitions of slaughtering

slaughtering means and includes taking charge of slaughteryard, penning up, knocking down, pithing, sticking, bleeding, dressing, skinning, necking off, cutting down, handing back and washing.
slaughtering means the mere killing of animals. 13 Notwithstanding this paragraph, Japan may, from the date of the entry into force of this Agreement for it, consider a Declaration of Origin by an importer as a Proof of Origin in the same manner as Proof of Origin under paragraph 1. In that case, Japan shall not conduct a verification process by means referred to in subparagraphs 1(b) through (d) of Article 3.24 (Verification) regarding the Declaration of Origin by the importer. The Declaration of Origin shall only be completed by the importer where that importer has sufficient information to prove that the good qualifies as an originating good.
slaughtering means the killing of animals intended for human consumption.

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