Examples of Campsite in a sentence
Date APPENDIX “A” This Agreement authorizes only two licensed automobiles and one camping unit on the Leased Campsite; tents and other structures will not normally be considered acceptable.
Camping unit must be licensed and maintained in a roadworthy condition; the Camper must be able to remove the camping unit from the Leased Campsite within 24 hours’ notice from Management (fire hazard, etc.).
The Camper agrees to pay in to the Owner, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, the total of $00.00 to be paid in ## equal payments of $00.00 the first and last, upon execution of this Agreement and prior to occupancy by the Camper of the Leased Campsite, and the remaining on the first of each month thereafter.
The maximum number of persons authorized to occupy (stay overnight) on the Leased Campsite is six (6).
Sewage, and grey water (sink - shower) may only be disposed of at the Park’s transfer station or in the sewer hook- up at the services base on the Leased Campsite.