Sensitive definition

Sensitive means any wildlife species native to the state of Washington that is vulnerable or declining and is likely to become endangered or threatened in a significant portion of its range within the state without cooperative management or removal of threats.
Sensitive means only those portions of data processing software, including the specifications and documentation, used to:
Sensitive or “Confidential” means data that is deemed confidential by law, or any data for which the student or family to whom the data relates would have a reasonable expectation of privacy, and the unauthorized sharing of which would reasonably be considered an invasion of privacy or harmful.

Examples of Sensitive in a sentence

  • Sensitive data transferred (if applicable) and applied restrictions or safeguards that fully take into consideration the nature of the data and the risks involved, such as for instance strict purpose limitation, access restrictions (including access only for staff having followed specialised training), keeping a record of access to the data, restrictions for onward transfers or additional security measures.

  • Vendor who has access to sensitive personally identifiable information (“Sensitive PII”), including anyone who views contracts, collects, uses, maintains, stores or destroys Sensitive PII of TWC employees, job seekers, employers, customers or partners (including any employees of the State of Texas), must safeguard that information.

  • If the vacancy is a Data Security Sensitive position that requires the passing of a background check, the Employer may deny the final applicant the position based on the results of the background check.

  • Sensitive information that is contained in any Legacy Devices or applications shall be encrypted if practical.

  • This position is designated as Safety- Sensitive in accordance with Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations and will participate in a random testing pool under those guidelines.

More Definitions of Sensitive

Sensitive means only those portions of data processing software,
Sensitive or "konfidentsialnaya" information shall be handled in accordance with the laws of the state of the Party receiving the information, and this information shall not be disclosed and shall not be transmitted to a third party not participating in the implementation of this agreement without the written consent of the Party transmitting such information.
Sensitive means any consent form whose disclosure outside of the study team or outside of Duke could result in financial, social, or personal harm to the subject.
Sensitive means vulnerable (e.g. the elderly, small children) or difficult to evacuate populations in land use safety planning.
Sensitive means a finding by the council or the review board that a department record involving location and description of historic sites including burial sites or involving human skeletal remains originating from a burial site is culturally inappropriate for public disclosure and exempt from the requirements of section 92F-12, HRS.
Sensitive payments means, whether legal or illegal, (a) payments to or from government officials or employees, (b) commercial bribes or kickbacks, (c) amounts paid with an understanding that rebates or refunds will be made in contravention of the laws of any jurisdiction, either directly or through a third party, and (d) payments or commitments (whether made in the form of commission, payments of fees for goods or services received, or otherwise) made with the understanding or under circumstances that would indicate that all or part thereof is to be paid by the recipient to government officials or employees or as a commercial bribe, influence payment or kick-back, provided, however, that "sensitive" payments shall not include contributions to political campaigns or organizations that are permissible under federal and state election laws.
Sensitive means any wildlife species native to the state of classification process.