Senior management employee definition

Senior management employee means a credit union’s chief executive officer (typically this individual holds the title of president or manager), an assistant chief executive officer, and the chief financial officer.
Senior management employee means any individual who is designated as a senior policy-making employee of a credit union by the board of the credit union.
Senior management employee means the credit union's chief executive officer (typically, this individual holds the title of president or treasurer/manager), any assis- tant chief executive officers (e.g., assistant president, vice president, or assistant treasurer/ manager), and the chief financial officer (comptroller).

Examples of Senior management employee in a sentence

  • Senior management employee means the credit union’s chief execu- tive officer (typically this individual holds the title of President or Treas- urer/Manager), any assistant chief ex- ecutive officers (e.g., Assistant Presi- dent, Vice President or Assistant Treasurer/Manager) and the chief fi- nancial officer (Comptroller).(c) Investment in fixed assets.

  • Senior management employee means a Federal credit union’s chief executive officer (typically this individual holds the title of President or Treasurer/ Manager), an assistant chief executive officer, and the chief financial officer.Small business related security means a security as defined in section 3(a)(53) of the securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15U.S.C. 78c(a)(53)).

  • Senior management employee m e an s t h e c r edi t un io n’s c h ief exec u t ive offi- ce r ( t y pic a ll y t h is i n divid ua l h olds t h e t i t le of P r eside n t o r Tr e a s ur e r/M an- a ge r ), any a ssis t an t c h ief exec u t ive of-fice r s ( e.

  • Senior management employee means the credit union's chief executive officer (typically, this individual holds the title of President or Treasurer/Manager), any assistant chief executive officers (e.g., Assistant President, Vice President, or Assistant Treasurer/Manager), and the chief financial officer (Comptroller).

  • Senior management employee m e an s a F ede ra l c r edi t un io n’s c h ief exec u t ive office r ( t y pic a ll y t h is i n divid ua l h oldst h e t i t le of P r eside n t o r Tr e a s ur e r/ M ana ge r ), an a ssis t an t c h ief exec u t ive office r , an d t h e c h ief fi nan ci a l office r .Small business related securit y m e an s a sec ur i t y a s defi n ed i n S ec t io n 3( a)(53) of t h e S ec ur i t ies E xc han ge Ac t of 1934 (15 U.

More Definitions of Senior management employee

Senior management employee means a credit union's general manager or an assistant general manager or the chief financial officer of the credit union.
Senior management employee means an employee of the Company designated by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company as a Senior Management Employee.
Senior management employee means your chief executive officer (typically, this individual holds the title of Presi- dent or Treasurer/Manager), any assist- ant chief executive officers (e.g. Assist- ant President, Vice President, or As- sistant Treasurer/Manager), and the chief financial officer (Comptroller).
Senior management employee means an employee who, by virtue of that employee's position-
Senior management employee means an employee of Lorus who is an officer of Lorus, holds the title “Director” as is currently defined in Lorus’ job descriptions or determined at the discretion of Lorus’ President and Chief Executive Officer; and
Senior management employee means any Employee designated by the Administrator as a Senior Management Employee for purposes of this Plan.
Senior management employee means the credit union's chief executive officer, any assistant chief executive officers, and the chief financial officer.