Seller Products definition

Seller Products means all products, Software and services currently manufactured, licensed, sold, distributed, provided, or otherwise made commercially available by Seller or any of its Subsidiaries.
Seller Products means any and all products (including software and hardware) and any type of services of Seller and its Affiliates, in each case, that are sold or provided by, or on behalf of, Seller or any of its Affiliates, including any portions thereof, as well as any methods or processes employed by any of the foregoing.
Seller Products means any product manufactured, sold, offered for sale or otherwise distributed by a Seller within the scope of the Business.

Examples of Seller Products in a sentence

  • To the knowledge of Seller, the Seller Products and the Acquired Business, as currently and previously conducted or as currently contemplated to be conducted, do not infringe or misappropriate any Intellectual Property of third parties and has not infringed or misappropriated any Intellectual Property of third parties.

  • To the knowledge of Seller, none of the Seller Software or Seller Products: (i) contains any bug, defect, or error that materially adversely affects its use, functionality, or performance; or (ii) materially fails to comply with any applicable warranty or other contractual commitment relating to its use, functionality, or performance.

  • Section 4.15(h)(i) of the Disclosure Schedules lists each Contract under which Seller has granted rights to others in any Transferred IP, except those non-exclusive licenses granted by Seller to or with respect to the Seller Products entered into in the ordinary course of business substantially in the form of the Seller’s standard form of customer agreement.

More Definitions of Seller Products

Seller Products means all products and services manufactured, made, designed, maintained, supported, developed, sold, licensed, marketed, or otherwise distributed or provided (or planned or envisioned to be manufactured, made, designed, maintained, supported, developed, sold, licensed, marketed, or otherwise distributed or provided) by or for Seller (including all versions and releases thereof, whether already distributed or provided, under development, planned or conceived, or otherwise), together with any related materials, information or data, including, without limitation, the names, numbers (e.g., part numbers) and packaging associated with such products and services.
Seller Products shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 5.19(c)(iv) hereof.
Seller Products means, collectively, the Product and the Third Generation Product and “Seller Product” means any of the Product or the Third Generation Product.
Seller Products means all products and components thereof to the extent such components are owned, designed or manufactured by, or on behalf of, Seller or its Affiliates that are used or held for use primarily in the Seller Business, including without limitation those listed on Schedule 1.1(b).
Seller Products means all products and services that are being manufactured or performed by Seller at any time, other than Logic Business Products that are being manufactured or performed by Seller as of the Closing Date.
Seller Products shall have the meaning specified in Section 4.13(a).
Seller Products means Seller’s products and services solely to the extent they utilize the Transferred Assets.