Sales territory definition

Sales territory means an area of exclusive sales responsibility for the brand or brands of beer sold by a supplier as designated by an agreement.
Sales territory means an area of sales responsibility for the brand or brands of wine or mixed spirit drink sold by a supplier as designated by an agreement.

Examples of Sales territory in a sentence

  • Publisher is eligible for a discount to FPUs manufactured for a particular Sales Territory (a “Unit Discount”) based on the number of FPUs that have been manufactured for sale in that Sales Territory as described in Table 3 below.

  • For example, if Publisher were to manufacture and pay royalties on FPUs designated for sale in the Asian Sales Territory, Publisher could not sell those FPUs in the European Sales Territory.

  • Except for FPUs manufactured pursuant to Section 5 below (Asia Simship Program), Publisher may not sell FPUs in a certain Sales Territory that were manufactured for a different Sales Territory.

  • Except as provided in Section 5 below, units manufactured for sale in a Sales Territory are aggregated only towards a discount on FPUs manufactured for that Sales Territory; there is no worldwide or cross-territorial aggregation of units for a particular Software Title.

  • Publisher may offer additional warranty coverage consistent with the traditions and practices of video game console game publishers within the applicable Sales Territory or as otherwise required by local law.

More Definitions of Sales territory

Sales territory. ’ means a country or group of countries to which a defense article or defense service is authorized to be reex- ported.
Sales territory means the geographic area of distribution and sale responsibility designated by a distributorship agreement.
Sales territory means the Asian Sales Territory, Australian Sales Territory, European, Middle East and African Sales Territory, Japan Sales Territory, North American Sales Territory, and South American Sales Territory as described further in the Publisher Guide.
Sales territory means the geographic area of distribution and sale responsibility
Sales territory means a geographic region within the Territory in which Relypsa PSRs shall be assigned by Relypsa and Sanofi PSRs shall be assigned by Sanofi, as the case may be, to Detail the Product. Under [***] may the [***] modify [***].
Sales territory. ’ means a country or group of coun- tries to which a defense article or defense service is authorized to be reexported.
Sales territory means the United States, Greece, Italy, South Africa, Canada, and the United Kingdom as well as any other country or jurisdiction which the parties mutually agree by written amendment to this Agreement is to be included in the Sales Territory; provided, however, that Distributor shall have the first option to exclusively distribute the Products in other countries or jurisdictions which right shall be lost if Distributor fails to sell the Product in such additional countries or jurisdictions within [***] of LifeCell’s reasonable request.