Responsibility definition

Responsibility means a duty for which a person is accountable by virtue of licensure.
Responsibility with respect to instruments means authority (i) to sign or endorse instruments on behalf of the employer, (ii) to process instruments received by the employer for bookkeeping purposes, for deposit to an account, or for other disposition, (iii) to prepare or process instruments for issue in the name of the employer, (iv) to supply information determining the names or addresses of payees of instruments to be issued in the name of the employer, (v) to control the disposition of instruments to be issued in the name of the employer, or (vi) to act otherwise with respect to instruments in a responsible capacity. “Responsibility” does not include authority that merely allows an employee to have access to instruments or blank or incomplete instrument forms that are being stored or transported or are part of incoming or outgoing mail, or similar access.
Responsibility means liability under the law for the acceptance and processing of a compensable claim.

Examples of Responsibility in a sentence

  • Responsibility for product delivery remains with Contractor until the product is properly delivered and signed for.

  • As used herein, “status verification system” means the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996 that is operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security, also known as the E-Verify Program, or any other successor electronic verification system replacing the E-Verify Program.

  • A federal immigration verification system means the electronic verification of the work authorization program of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, 8 U.S.C. 1324 a, otherwise known as the E-Verify Program, or an equivalent federal program designated by the United States Department of Homeland Security or other federal agency authorized to verify the work eligibility status of a newly hired employee pursuant to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

  • Responsibility and liability for loss or damage shall remain the Contractor’s until final inspection and acceptance when responsibility shall pass to the Purchasing Entity except as to latent defects, fraud and Contractor’s warranty obligations.

  • AGILENT will have the right, upon reasonable request, to review Seller's processes, books, records, and accounting practices, and compliance with AGILENT’s Supplier Environmental and Social Responsibility (ESR) Code of Conduct for any transactions related to this Order until five (5) years after delivery of the Goods and/or Services.

More Definitions of Responsibility

Responsibility with respect to instruments means authority
Responsibility means a duty for which a person is accountable by virtue of licensure. “Right” means a power, privilege, or immunity secured to a person by law.
Responsibility means conduct which was a substantial factor in
Responsibility. Notwithstanding the generality of sub-clauses (n) or (o) above, the Note Trustee shall not be responsible for the genuineness, validity, effectiveness or suitability of any of the Documents or other documents entered into in connection therewith or any other document or any obligation or rights created or purported to be created thereby or pursuant thereto or any security or the priority thereof constituted or purported to be constituted thereby or pursuant thereto, nor shall it be responsible or liable to any person because of any invalidity of any provision of such documents or the unenforceability thereof, whether arising from statute, law or decision of any court and (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) the Note Trustee shall not have any responsibility for or have any duty to make any investigation in respect of or in any way be liable whatsoever for:
Responsibility with respect to instruments means authority (i) to sign or indorse instruments on behalf of the employer, (ii) to process instruments received by the employer for bookkeeping purposes, for deposit to an account, or for other disposition, (iii) to prepare or process instruments for issue in the name of the employer, (iv) to supply information determining the names or addresses of payees of instruments to be issued in the name of the employer,
Responsibility or "Responsible" means the capacity to perform a City contract in accordance with its terms and conditions. Elements of Responsibility include the following, among others: judgment, skill, promptness, faithfulness, skillful workers, honesty of the Contractor, financial standing, reputation, experience, resources, facilities, past history of adherence to plans and specifications, capacity and ability to do the work according to the plans and specifications, availability and efficiency, and such other factors as may be determined by law and the City.
Responsibility means a body to coordinate and drive the action, not necessarily to phyisically undertake the task and the implementation.