Miner definition

Miner means any individual working in a mine.
Miner means any individual working in a coal or other mine;
Miner means any person or persons, any partner- ship, limited partnership, or corporation, or any association of persons, including every public or governmental agency engaged in surface mining.

Examples of Miner in a sentence

  • Each Miner Equipment Lender Secured Claim shall be treated as a separate subclass of Class 3 for purposes of voting to accept or reject the Plan and receiving Plan Distributions.

  • Class 3 is Impaired, and the Holders of Miner Equipment Lender Secured Claims in Class 3 are entitled to vote to accept or reject the Plan.

  • The treatment of the Miner Equipment Lender Claims of the Settling Miner Equipment Lenders under the Plan, together with the other terms and conditions set forth in the Plan and the Confirmation Order (including the releases and exculpations set forth herein and in the Confirmation Order), reflects the proposed compromise and settlement pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019 and section 1123 of the Bankruptcy Code of the Miner Equipment Lender Claims.

  • Confirmation of the Plan shall be deemed (i) approval of the New Miner Equipment Lender Debt Documents, and all transactions contemplated thereby, and all actions to be taken, undertakings to be made, and obligations to be incurred by the applicable Reorganized Debtors in connection therewith and (ii) authorization to enter into and perform under the New Miner Equipment Lender Debt Documents.

  • The Reorganized Debtors shall be authorized to execute, deliver, and enter into and perform under the New Miner Equipment Lender Debt Documents without (i) the need for any further corporate or limited liability company action; (ii) notice to or order or other approval of the Bankruptcy Court; (iii) act or omission under applicable law, regulation, order, or rule; (iv) vote, consent, authorization, or approval of any Person; or (v) action by the Holders of Claims or Interests.

More Definitions of Miner

Miner means any person or persons, any partnership, limited
Miner means any person who at the time the expenditure was incurred was—
Miner means a resident of Wyoming who has worked in a minein this state or a contiguous state who is or was employed at a coal or other mine or at a processing or conversion facility contiguous to the mine and dependent upon the output of that mine as feedstock. “Miner” shall include the operator of the mine or plant if the operator works on a continuing or irregular basis;
Miner means any employee other than a trucker, filler, mullocker or ore picker employed for the purpose of obtaining minerals, and/or metals:
Miner means a current resident of Wyoming who has worked in a mine in this state or a contiguous state who is or was employed at a mine or at a processing or conversion facility contiguous to the mine and dependent upon the output of that mine as feedstock. "Miner" shall include persons providing labor or services at the mine or qualifying processing or conversion facility on a continuing and regular basis whether employed by the mine owner or operator or hired on a contract basis. "Miner" shall not include persons providing labor or services at the mine or qualifying processing or conversion facility on an occasional or incidental basis as defined by board rule;
Miner means an employee employed at the face in any drive or tunnel in any formation, or in excavating or sinking any shaft which is to be greater than 4.572 metres in depth in any formation or any employee employed in excavating or working at the bottom of such shaft, or any employee employed underground in filling shafts, drives or tunnels, or any employee using hammer and drill in any such shaft, drive or tunnel. Workers using explosives or engaged in such tunnel or shaft timbering or de-timbering shall be deemed to be miners.
Miner means the holder of a miner's right and, in relation to an application which by virtue of section 191(15) or (18), is to be processed as though it were an application for a mineral lease or mineral claim, as the case may be, includes the person to be treated as the applicant;