Housing Projects definition

Housing Projects new construction, an addition, a conversion, or substantial rehabilitation that results in the creation or addition of ten or more residential units ; or • Commercial Projects: (1) any building permit application for a commercial activity over 25,000 square feet in floor area and involving new construction, an addition, or alteration which results in over $2,000,000 in improvements as stated on the City’s building permit application (including any tenant improvements covered by said building permit); or (2) any application which requires discretionary action by the City's Planning Commission relating to a commercial activity over 25,000 square feet including, but not limited to conditional use project authorization under San Francisco Planning Code section 309, and office development under San Francisco Planning Code Sections 320, et seq.
Housing Projects. Tabulate beneficiaries for housing grants by counting the number of households that benefited from the grant.
Housing Projects means all or part of the residential accommodation located in one or more buildings used in whole or in part for residential accommodation, which may include commercial properties ancillary to the foregoing, including vacant land, if any, owned by CHH.

Examples of Housing Projects in a sentence

  • For Interim Housing or Transitional Housing Projects that will not result in Permanent Housing, the Department will prepare, and the Public Entity shall cause, a 15-year restrictive covenant to be recorded against the Project real property.

  • For Permanent Housing Projects, the Public Entity or Tribal Entity shall prepare and cause a 55-year regulatory agreement to be recorded against the Project real property.

  • For Interim Housing or Transitional Housing Projects that will ultimately result in Permanent Housing, the Public Entity or Tribal Entity shall prepare and cause a 15-year restrictive covenant to be recorded against the Project real property.

  • The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that the Rental Protocol set out in Appendix “A” to this Schedule applies to all Supportive Housing Projects by virtue of the contractual terms of this Agreement, whether or not the Rental Protocol applies to Supportive Housing Projects under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, and shall ensure that the Proponent agrees in writing that Appendix “A” to this Schedule applies to its Supportive Housing Project(s).

  • MOHCD may provide other services for Capital Housing Projects as mutually agreed to by the Parties.

  • For Interim Housing Projects that will ultimately result in permanent housing, the Local Public Entity shall cause a 10-year use restriction to be recorded against the Project real property.

  • For Permanent Housing Projects, the Local Public Entity shall cause a 55-year affordability covenant to be recorded against the Project real property.

  • For Interim Housing Projects that will not result in permanent housing, the Department shall cause a 10-year use restriction to be recorded against the Project real property.

  • For Permanent Housing Projects located on tribal trust land, a 50-year use restriction shall be recorded against the Project real property.

  • MOHCD will provide the following services on Capital Housing Projects to ensure that OCII’s approval and funding of specific projects are consistent with MOHCD’s role as Housing Successor and future holder of the affordable housing assets.

More Definitions of Housing Projects

Housing Projects means those rental projects owned and operated or both, by the authority.
Housing Projects means those rental projects owned and operated or both, by the corporation.]
Housing Projects. ] "Project" means those rental [projects] properties owned and operated or both, by the [corporation] authority.
Housing Projects means the housing project(s) listed in Schedule “B”;

Related to Housing Projects

  • Housing project means a project, or distinct portion of a

  • Affordable housing project means, for purposes of this part, title fourteen of article twenty seven of the environmental conservation law and section twenty-one of the tax law only, a project that is developed for residential use or mixed residential use that must include affordable residential rental units and/or affordable home ownership units.

  • Affordable housing program(s means any mechanism in a municipal Fair Share Plan prepared or implemented to address a municipality’s fair share obligation.

  • Housing development as used in this section, means a development project for five or more residential units, including mixed-use developments. For the purposes of this section, “housing development” also includes a subdivision or common interest development, as defined in Section 4100 of the Civil Code, approved by a city, county, or city and county and consists of residential units or unimproved residential lots and either a project to substantially rehabilitate and convert an existing commercial building to residential use or the substantial rehabilitation of an existing multifamily dwelling, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 65863.4, where the result of the rehabilitation would be a net increase in available residential units. For the purpose of calculating a density bonus, the residential units shall be on contiguous sites that are the subject of one development application, but do not have to be based upon individual subdivision maps or parcels. The density bonus shall be permitted in geographic areas of the housing development other than the areas where the units for the lower income households are located.

  • Housing Provider means, with respect to a HOME Development, Local Government, consortia approved by HUD under 24 CFR Part 92, for-profit and Non-Profit Developers, and qualified CHDOs, with demonstrated capacity to construct or rehabilitate affordable housing.

  • Projects means the projects identified in Exhibit A to the Agreement and all other projects, any costs of which are included in a Transitional Capital Plan pursuant to the Act or are Recovery Costs, and financed, by payment or reimbursement, with the proceeds of Bonds or Notes.

  • Ongoing Project means a multi-year project undertaken by a Company in fulfilment of its CSR obligation having timelines not exceeding three years excluding the financial year in which it was commenced, and shall include such project that was initially not approved as a multi-year project but whose duration has been extended beyond one year by the board based on reasonable justification;

  • Non-profit housing development means development of a building or structure intended for use as residential premises by,

  • Housing Unit is either a Presold Unit, a Spec Unit or a Model Unit.

  • Affordable Housing Unit means a rental unit in an affordable housing building that rents for an amount that is affordable to households at or below 60 percent of area median income, as median income was most recently determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Minneapolis- St. Paul- Bloomington, Minnesota-Wisconsin Metropolitan Statistical Area, as adjusted for household size and number of bedrooms.

  • Affordable Housing Cost means an amount satisfied by:

  • Affordable housing development means a development included in the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, and includes, but is not limited to, an inclusionary development, a municipal construction project or a 100 percent affordable development.

  • Affordable Housing Units – means the Affordable Housing to be provided as part of the Development in accordance with the application and/or any subsequent reserved matters approval.

  • Project means the goods or Services described in the Signature Document or a Work Order of this Contract.

  • Housing means residential accommodation and facilities, common areas and services used directly with the residential accommodation. Housing does not include commercial or institutional premises, social or recreational services, and services or facilities related to mental or physical health care, education, corrections, food services, social support or public recreation;

  • Housing costs means the compensation or fees paid or charged, usually periodically, for the use of any property. land, buildings, or equipment. For purposes of this chapter, housing costs include the basic rent charge and any periodic or monthly fees for other services paid to the landlord by the tenant, but do not include utility charges that are based on usage and that the tenant has agreed in the rental agreement to pay, unless the obligation to pay those charges is itself a change in the terms of the rental agreement.

  • Infrastructure Improvements means a street, road, sidewalk, parking facility, pedestrian mall, alley, bridge, sewer, sewage treatment plant, property designed to reduce, eliminate, or prevent the spread of identified soil or groundwater contamination, drainage system, waterway, waterline, water storage facility, rail line, utility line or pipeline, transit-oriented development, transit-oriented property, or other similar or related structure or improvement, together with necessary easements for the structure or improvement, owned or used by a public agency or functionally connected to similar or supporting property owned or used by a public agency, or designed and dedicated to use by, for the benefit of, or for the protection of the health, welfare, or safety of the public generally, whether or not used by a single business entity, provided that any road, street, or bridge shall be continuously open to public access and that other property shall be located in public easements or rights-of-way and sized to accommodate reasonably foreseeable development of eligible property in adjoining areas. Infrastructure improvements also include 1 or more of the following whether publicly or privately owned or operated or located on public or private property:

  • Existing Project is a Project that has achieved Commercial Operation on or prior to the Execution Date.

  • Historic property means any prehistoric or historic site, district, building, object, or other real or personal property of historical, architectural, or archaeological value, and folklife resources. These properties or resources may include, but are not limited to, monuments, memorials, Indian habitations, ceremonial sites, abandoned settlements, sunken or abandoned ships, engineering works, treasure trove, artifacts, or other objects with intrinsic historical or archaeological value, or any part thereof, relating to the history, government, and culture of Florida.

  • Redevelopment project means any work or undertaking

  • Building Project means the aggregate combined parcel of land on a portion of which are the improvements of which the Premises form a part, with all the improvements thereon, said improvements being a part of the block and lot for tax purposes which are applicable to the aforesaid land.

  • Condominium Project Real estate including the separate ownership in fee, or on a satisfactory leasehold estate, of a particular residential unit with an indivisible interest in the real estate designated for common ownership strictly by unit owners.

  • Residential Project means a redevelopment project that is

  • Mixed-use project means a project comprising both a qualified

  • Redevelopment Project Area means an area designated by the municipality, which is not less in the aggregate than 1 1/2 acres and in respect to which the municipality has made a finding that there exist conditions which cause the area to be classified as an industrial park conservation area or a blighted area or a conservation area, or a combination of both blighted areas and conservation areas.

  • Supportive housing means housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the target population, and that is linked to an onsite or offsite service that assists the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community.