Financial Instruments Accounts Act definition

Financial Instruments Accounts Act means the Swedish Financial Instruments Accounts Act (lag (1998:1479) om kontoföring av finansiella instrument).
Financial Instruments Accounts Act means the Swedish Central Securities Depositories and Financial Instruments Accounts Act (Sw. lag (1998:1479) om värdepapperscentraler och kontoföring av finansiella instrument).
Financial Instruments Accounts Act means the Swedish Financial Instruments Accounts Act (Sw. lag (1998:1479) om kontoforing avfinansiella instrument).

Examples of Financial Instruments Accounts Act in a sentence

  • Those who according to assignment, security, the provisions of the Swedish Children and Parents Code (Sw. föräldrabalken (1949:381)), conditions of will or deed of gift or otherwise have acquired a right to receive payments in respect of a Bond shall register their entitlements to receive payment in accordance with the Financial Instruments Accounts Act.

  • The replacing CSD must be authorised to professionally conduct clearing operations pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act (Sw. lag (2007:528) om värdepappersmarknaden) and be authorised as a central securities depository in accordance with the Financial Instruments Accounts Act.

  • Accordingly, the Bonds will be registered in accordance with the Financial Instruments Accounts Act.

More Definitions of Financial Instruments Accounts Act

Financial Instruments Accounts Act means the Swedish Financial Instruments Accounts Act (lagen (1998:1479) om värdepapperscentraler och kontoföring av finansiella instrument).
Financial Instruments Accounts Act means the Swedish Central Securities Depositories and Financial Instruments Accounts Act (Sw: Lagen om värdepapperscentraler och kontoföring av finansiella instrument, SFS 1998:1479).
Financial Instruments Accounts Act means the Swedish Financial Instruments Accounts Act (Sw.
Financial Instruments Accounts Act means the Swedish Financial Instruments Accounts Act (Swe: lag (1998:1479) om värdepapperscentraler och kontoföring av finansiella instrument).
Financial Instruments Accounts Act means the Swedish Central Securities
Financial Instruments Accounts Act means the Swedish Financial Instruments
Financial Instruments Accounts Act means the Swedish Financial Instruments Accounts Act (lag (1998:1479) om kontof- öring av finansiella instrument), as amend- ed or re-enacted;“Listing Failure”means the event that the Notes are not admitted for trading at NASDAQ OMX Stockholm by the date falling sixty (60) days from the Issue Date;“GAAP”means IFRS or generally accepted account- ing standards and practices in Sweden, as the case may be;“Market Loan”debt raised by issuance of commercial paper, subordinated debentures, bonds, notes or other securities (including debt raised under MTN- and other debt issuance programmes) which is or can be admitted for trading on a Swedish or foreign regulated market;“Group”means the Company and each subsidiary of the Company, the assets and liabilities of which is included into the consolidated accounts which the Company pursuant to GAAP; “Nominal Amount”has the meaning set forth in Condition 2.1;“Group Company”means each member of the Group; “Note”means a debt instrument of the type set forth in Chapter 1 Section 3 of the Financial Instruments Accounts Act and which has been issued by the Company pursuant to these Terms and Conditions;“Holder”means a person registered on a VP Account as holder or otherwise is entitled to receive payment in respect of a Note; “IFRS”means international accounting standards within the meaning of the IAS Regulation 1606/2002 to the extent applicable to the relevant financial statements; “QualifiedMajority”has the meaning set forth in Condition13.2 (e); “Record Date”means:“Interest Determination Date”means the day falling two (2) Banking Days prior to the first day of each Interest Period; (a) the fifth (5th) Banking Day prior to the Redemption Date or the Interest Pay- ment Date (as applicable); or“Interest Payment Date”means 15 January, 15 April, 15 July and 15 October each year, with the first Interest Pay- ment Date falling on 15 October 2014. If an Interest Payment Date falls on a day which is not a Banking Day, the Interest Payment Date will instead be the next following Banking Day unless that day falls in the next calendar month, in which case the Interest Payment Date will be the first preceding day that is a Banking Day (modified following business day convention); (b) if the standard generally applied in the Swedish bond market is a Banking Day which is closer to the relevant payment date, the Banking Day prior to the Re- demption Date or the Interest Payment Date (as applicable) which follows the standard generally ap...