Employ definition

Employ means to engage, suffer, or permit to work.
Employ means to suffer or to permit to work.
Employ or "employment" means the relationship between a real estate broker and an associate real estate broker or a real estate salesperson which may include an independent contractor relationship. The existence of an independent contractor relationship between a real estate broker and an individual licensed to the real estate broker does not relieve the real estate broker of the responsibility to supervise acts of the licensee that are regulated under this article.

Examples of Employ in a sentence

  • Employ- ees who are full-time officers of Local Union 1700, national or state AFL-CIO, the Amalgamated Transit Union or the plan administrator of a Greyhound/Local 1700 trust will be granted the necessary leave of absence to permit the performance of their duties and will continue to accumulate seniority during such leave.

  • The Contractor shall be responsible for entering data in the Employ Miami-Dade (EMD), which captures information on the eligibility program activities, case management and program exits, Workforce Management System (WFMS) and OSST as required by the SFWIB.

  • Measures Definitions Performance Completion Rate The percentage of participants who successfully complete the education or training activity when an outcome is recorded in Employ Florida.

More Definitions of Employ

Employ means to engage the services of another, including employees, agents, independent contractors and consultants, regardless of whether any compensation is paid;
Employ and derivatives thereof, means relationships under which an individual
Employ and derivatives thereof, means relationships under which an individual provides services to an employer as an employee, as an independent contractor, as an employee of a third party, or under any other arrangement as long as the services provided to the employer are provided in a position that would otherwise be covered by the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System and as long as the services are being provided to a public board, institution, or agency listed in subsection (4) of this section;
Employ means to permit to work;
Employ means engage, permit, or allow to work.
Employ means to suffer or permit to work for compensation, and includes ongoing, contractual relationships in which the employer retains substantial direct or indirect control over the employee's employment opportunities or terms and conditions of employment.
Employ means to make use of for any purpose other than maintenance.