Disparagement definition

Disparagement means making comments or statements to the press, the Company’s or its Affiliates’ employees, consultants or any individual or entity with whom the Company or its Affiliates has a business relationship which could reasonably be expected to adversely affect in any manner: (a) the conduct of the business of the Company or its Affiliates (including, without limitation, any products or business plans or prospects); or (b) the business reputation of the Company or its Affiliates, or any of their products, or their past or present officers, directors or employees.
Disparagement means that the Employee has made a statement (whether oral, written or electronic) to any Person other than to an officer of an Employer or an Affiliate that disparages or demeans the Employers, any Affiliate, or any of their respective owners, directors, officers, employees, products or services. For the avoidance of doubt, “Disparagement” does not include making truthful statements to any governmental regulatory agency or to testimony in any legal proceeding.
Disparagement includes, without limitation, comments or statements to the press, the Company's or its affiliates' employees or any individual or entity with whom the Company or its affiliates has a business relationship which would adversely affect in any manner: (i) the conduct of the business of the Company or its affiliates (including, without limitation, any products or business plans or prospects), or (ii) the business reputation of the Company or its affiliates, or any of their products, or their past or present officers, directors or employees.

Examples of Disparagement in a sentence

  • No Disparagement Neither Party, nor any of its respective partners, principals, shareholders, members, officers, directors, employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, or representatives, shall initiate or participate in any action or conduct tending to injure, bring into disrepute, ridicule, damage, or destroy the goodwill of Provider or Client, or the others’ affiliates.

More Definitions of Disparagement

Disparagement means that the Employee has made a material statement (whether oral, written or electronic), or released any material information or encouraged others to make such a statement or release such information to any Person other than to an officer of an Employer or an Affiliate that, if the Employee is considered a supervisor under the National Labor Relations Act, is designed to embarrass, disparage or demean an Employer, an Affiliate, or any of their respective owners, directors, officers, employees, products or services, or if the Employee is not considered a supervisor under the National Labor Relations Act, is so disloyal, reckless or maliciously untrue as to lose its status as protected activity, including under the National Labor Relations Act, about an Employer, an Affiliate, or any of their respective owners, directors, officers, employees, products or services. For the avoidance of doubt, “Disparagement” does not include making truthful statements (i) when required by legal process to do so by a court of law, (ii) to any governmental agency having supervisory authority over the business of an Employer or Affiliate, or (iii) when required by any administrative or legislative body (including a committee thereof) with the jurisdiction to order the Employee to divulge, disclose or make accessible such information.
Disparagement means that the Optionee has made a statement (whether oral, written, or electronic) to any Person other than to an officer of an Employer or an Affiliate that disparages or demeans the Employers, any Affiliate, or any of their respective owners, directors, officers, employees, products or services.
Disparagement means the willful or malicious dissemination
Disparagement means a negative oral or written statement that can be accurately demonstrated in fact to be attributable to (i) Executive or (ii) the Company or its Representatives (as applicable). Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) no statement made by either party in the context of any legal or regulatory proceeding shall be deemed to violate the foregoing provisions, and (ii) subject to (i), all communication relating to the termination of Executive's employment with the Company shall be consistent with the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K filed with respect to this matter.
Disparagement means making comments or statements to the press, the Company’s or its Affiliates’ employees, consultants, or any individual or entity with whom the Company or its Affiliates has a business relationship that could reasonably be expected to adversely affect in any manner: (a) the conduct of the business of the Company or its Affiliates (including, without limitation, any products or business plans or prospects); or (b) the business reputation of the Company or its Affiliates, or any of their products, or their past or present officers, directors, or employees. For purposes of this Section 2.17, “Disparagement” does not include (i) compliance with legal process or subpoenas to the extent only truthful statements are rendered in such compliance attempt, (ii) statements made in response to an inquiry from a court or regulatory body, or (iii) reporting possible violations of federal law or regulation to any governmental agency or entity, including but not limited to, the Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the U.S. Congress, or any Inspector General, or making other disclosures that are protected under the whistleblower provisions of applicable law or regulation.
Disparagement. (including, with correlative meanings, “Disparage”) means, with respect to a Patent Right, offensively opposing (including filing an opposition or declaration judgment action) or taking an independent action to attempt to invalidate, or formal steps prevent from issuing, such Patent Right, including by making written statements that such Patent Right is unpatentable; provided, however, that Disparagement shall not include any comments or arguments made by patent counsel for a Party before a patent office during the course of prosecution of any patent application owned by or licensed to such Party anywhere in the world. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Party shall have the right to defend itself, including in a litigation brought by the other Party, using any applicable position. For example, if a Party sues the other Party for infringement, the purported infringer can defend itself with a position that the patentee’s asserted claim is invalid.
Disparagement means (unless modified in the applicable Stock Option agreement) making comments or statements to the press, the Company's or its Affiliates' employees or any individual or entity with whom the Company or its Affiliates has a business relationship which would adversely affect in any manner: (i) the conduct of the business of the Company or its Affiliates (including, without