CUSC definition

CUSC means the Connection and Use of System Code that is provided for in Standard Condition C10 (Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC)) of the Transmission Licence;
CUSC means the Connection and Use of System Code required to be in place pursuant to the transmission licence granted to the transmission company in England and Wales, as from time to time modified.
CUSC means the Connection and Use of System Code established under the NGET Transmission Licence;

Examples of CUSC in a sentence

  • For the avoidance of doubt, this vote should include the existing CUSC baseline as an option.

  • We have an obligation under the CUSC to discuss certain requests for connection or changes in connection with NGET.

  • In undertaking an assessment of any WG Consultation Alternative Request, the Workgroup should consider whether it better facilitates the Applicable CUSC Objectives than the current version of the CUSC.

  • The Workgroup is responsible for the formulation and evaluation of any Workgroup Alternative CUSC Modifications (WACMs) arising from Group discussions which would, as compared with the Modification Proposal or the current version of the CUSC, better facilitate achieving the Applicable CUSC Objectives in relation to the issue or defect identified.

  • There is an obligation on the Workgroup to undertake a period of Consultation in accordance with CUSC 8.20.

More Definitions of CUSC

CUSC means the Connection and Use of System Code provided for in paragraph 2 of standard condition C10 (Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC)), as from time to time modified in accordance with that condition.
CUSC means the connection and use of system code required to be in place pursuant to the transmission licence granted to the system operator, as from time to time modified.
CUSC means the Connection and Use of System Code that is provided for in standard condition C10 (Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC)) of the Electricity Transmission Licence;
CUSC for the purposes of standard condition 26 (Compliance with CUSC) only, has the meaning given in that condition.
CUSC means the Connection and Use of System Code established under the NGET Transmission Licence; “Day Ahead Auction” means the Auction held on day “D-1” for Units relating to use of Transmission Rights on the Contract Day commencing at 00:00hrs (CE(S)T) on day “D”; “Day Ahead Auction – Hourly” means a Day Ahead Auction in which all hours have an independent Auction Price, therefore each hour being a Unit Validity Time; “Day Ahead Unit” means a Unit offered in a Day Ahead Auction, with Unit Validity Times as specified in the relevant Auction Specification; “Deemed Metered Volumes” or “DMV” means volumes of energy allocated to Participants’ Energy Accounts by BritNed calculated using the rules in Schedule 3; “Default Bid” means Bids submitted by a Participant before the Bidding Period opens and automatically submitted to every subsequent Auction of that type until amended by the Participant; “Default Nomination” means the automatic generation and submission of Mid North Sea Nominations in respect of a particular Timescale which are identical to the Transmission Rights notified to the Participant in respect of such Timescale; “Direct Current” means Direct Current or DC electricity is the continuous movement of electrons from an area of negative (-) charges to an area of positive (+) charges through a conducting material; “Dispute” means any dispute between BritNed and a Participant under or in relation to these Rules; “Dutch Codes” are the Rules that govern the transportation and use of electricity on the Dutch Grid, which includes system codes; “EAN Code” means the unique identification number in accordance with European Article Numbering (as defined in the NL Definition List); “Easter Weekend” means a product with a delivery period of four calendar days starting on Good Friday preceding Easter Sunday and ending on Easter Monday; “EIC Code” means the Energy Identification Coding Scheme identifying the parties in a cross-border trade assigned by European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSOE); “Energy Account” means in relation to a Participant:(a) the Participant’s Production Interconnector BM Unit and Consumption Interconnector BM Unit under the Balancing and Settlement Code; and(b) the PRP account established under the Dutch Codes and
CUSC means the Connection and Use of System Code required to be in place pursuant to the transmission licence granted to the system operator [see amendment dated 26 Aug 04 Annex 1] in Great Britain, as from time to time modified.
CUSC means the Connection and Use of System Code which was implemented on 18 September 2001 which is the contractual framework for connection to, and use of, the National Grid’s high voltage transmission system;