Company Slots definition

Company Slots has the meaning set forth in Section 2.23.
Company Slots has the meaning given to it in Paragraph (43)(a) of Schedule D hereto.
Company Slots mean each and every (i) “slot” as defined in 14 CFR §93.213(a)(2), as that section may be amended or re-codified from time to time, including slots at Rxxxxx Xxxxxx Washington National Airport; (ii) operating authorization for a landing or takeoff operation at a specified time period at any airport in the United States subject to orders or regulations issued by the FAA (including, but not limited to, operating authorizations at New York LaGuardia Airport, as defined in the FAA's final order, Operating Limitations at New York LaGuardia Airport, Docket No. FAA 2000-00000-00 dated December 13, 2006, published in the Federal Register at 71 Fed. Reg. 77854 (Dec. 27, 2006)), as such order may be amended or re-codified from time to time, and in any subsequent order or regulation issued by the FAA, as such order may be amended or re-codified from time to time, (iii) authorization granted by a Governmental Entity to conduct a landing or takeoff during a specific hour or other period at any United States or foreign airport, and (iv) slot exemption pursuant to 49 U.S.C. §§ 41716 and 41718, as such statute may be amended or re-codified from time to time, including but not limited to slot exemptions at New York LaGuardia Airport and Rxxxxx Xxxxxx Washington National Airport, in each case of the Company or any of the subsidiaries of the Company now held or hereafter acquired (other than “slots” which prior to the date of this Agreement have been permanently allocated to another air carrier and in which the Company or any of the subsidiaries of the Company holds temporary use rights).

Examples of Company Slots in a sentence

  • We urge you to join this movement to elevate the status of Pilates teachers and establish a new profession by joining the Pilates Method Alliance.The PMA is both:• A Professional Association created to support and unite the Pilates community.

  • The Company has complied in all material respects and is in compliance in all material respects with all regulations of the FAA and each other Governmental Entity with respect to the Company Slots.

  • The Company will promptly notify Parent of any action (or threats of action) by the FAA or the DOT that materially amends, modifies, suspends, revokes, terminates, cancels or withdraws any Company Permit or Company Slots.

  • All material reports required by the FAA, any other Governmental Entity or any slot coordinator relating to the Company Slots have been filed in a timely manner.

  • Members’ conclusions from this learning can be found in the Executive Summary Section 1.4.

  • The Company has not (a) received any written notice of any proposed withdrawal of any Company Slot by the FAA, any other Governmental Entity or any slot coordinator, or (b) agreed to any future slide, trade, purchase, sale, exchange, lease, or transfer of any of the Company Slots (except, in each case, for seasonal swaps and temporary returns to the FAA).

  • Each Operating Subsidiary has complied, in all material respects, with all applicable Laws and terms of any Contracts governing Company Slots.

Related to Company Slots

  • Company Systems means the computer and data processing systems, maintenance service agreements, and information, recordkeeping, account management, account management, communications technologies and other computer systems (including all computer programs, software, databases, firmware, hardware and related documentation) and Internet websites and related content used in the businesses of the Company and its Subsidiaries.

  • Company Share Plans mean (a) the Company’s Stock Related Award Incentive Plan of 1999, as amended; (b) the Company’s 2010 Stock Incentive Plan, as amended; and (c) the Company’s 2015 Stock Incentive Plan, as amended;

  • Company Source Code means, collectively, any software source code or confidential manufacturing specifications or designs, any material portion or aspect of software source code or confidential manufacturing specifications or designs, or any material proprietary information or algorithm contained in or relating to any software source code or confidential manufacturing specifications or designs, of any Company-Owned Intellectual Property or Company Products.

  • Company Software means Software owned or purported to be owned by or developed by or for the Company or any Company Subsidiary.

  • Company Service means the Company's email, Internet, security management services provided to End Users for the purposes of conducting Company's internal business.

  • Company SEC Documents has the meaning set forth in Section 3.5(a).

  • Company Share means one share of common stock of the Company, $0.01 par value per share.

  • Parent Plans has the meaning set forth in Section 6.4(c).

  • Company SEC Reports shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.8(a).

  • Target Company means each of the Company and its direct and indirect Subsidiaries.

  • Company Stock Plans has the meaning set forth in Section 3.02(b).

  • Company SAR means any stock appreciation right linked to the price of Company Common Stock and granted under any Company Stock Plan.

  • Company Employees shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.10(a).

  • Owned Company IP means the Intellectual Property that is owned by the Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries.

  • Company IT Systems means all software, computer hardware, servers, networks, platforms, peripherals, and similar or related items of automated, computerized, or other information technology networks and systems (including telecommunications networks and systems for voice, data, and video) owned, leased, licensed, or used (including through cloud-based or other third-party service providers) by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Company Employee Plans has the meaning set forth in Section 3.12(a).

  • Company Services means any services (including but not limited to technical and product support, technical advice, underwriting and customer services) supplied by the Company or its Affiliates in the specialty property and/or casualty insurance business.

  • Seller Plan means any Employee Benefit Plan maintained, or contributed to, by the Seller or any ERISA Affiliate.

  • Company Subsidiaries means the Subsidiaries of the Company.

  • Parent Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 7.8(b).

  • Company Subsidiary means any Subsidiary of the Company.

  • Company Service Provider means a Company Employee, a Company Independent Contractor or a member of the Company Board.

  • Company IP Contract means any Contract to which the Company is a party or by which the Company is bound, that contains any assignment or license of, or covenant not to assert or enforce, any Intellectual Property Right or that otherwise relates to any Company IP or any Intellectual Property developed by, with, or for the Company.

  • Company IP Agreements means all licenses, sublicenses, consent to use agreements, settlements, coexistence agreements, covenants not to xxx, permissions and other Contracts (including any right to receive or obligation to pay royalties or any other consideration), whether written or oral, relating to Intellectual Property to which the Company is a party, beneficiary or otherwise bound.

  • Company Shares has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • transferred vote means a vote derived from a ballot document on which a second or subsequent preference is recorded for the candidate to whom that ballot document has been transferred, and