Examples of Commercial Land in a sentence
Please do not hesitate to contact the town office should you have any questions or concerns.Zoning Information EXCERT FROM THE TOWN OF SMOOTH ROCK FALLS ZONING BY-LAW #2016-04 Request for Proposals Notice TOWN OF SMOOTH ROCK FALLS SURPLUS COMMERCIAL LAND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALSThe Town of Smooth Rock Falls (hereinafter the “Town”) invites you to submit a Proposal to purchase and develop the Surplus Commercial Land described herein.
Commercial Land NeedType2005-20252026-2040Office15 ac27 acRetail96 ac82 acTotal111 ac109 acSource: Johnson Gardner In addition, Newberg will need to ensure that large parcels are available for shopping centers.
Factors which the Town will consider when choosing a successful Proponent for any or all of the parcels of Surplus Commercial Land include, but will not be limited to: 1.
The Town reserves the right to sell each parcel of Surplus Commercial Land individually, or to sell any combination of parcels, including all the parcels, to a Proponent, based on consideration of the terms of the Proposal.
These processes include input from staff, allied health professionals, organisation requirements, risk assessments and trials on new equipment and resident and staff meetings.