Class Released Claims definition

Class Released Claims means the claims released by the Class Members via this Agreement.
Class Released Claims means all manner of action, causes of action, claims, demands, rights, suits, obligations, debts, contracts, agreements, promises, liabilities, damages, charges, penalties, losses, costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees, of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, in law or equity, fixed or contingent, which they have or may have, arising out of or relating to any of the acts, omissions or other conduct that have or could have been alleged or otherwise referred to in the Complaint, or any preceding version thereof filed in the Action, including, but not limited to, any and all claims related in any way to the advertisement of prices by The Children’s Place, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates.
Class Released Claims means any and all claims to be released by the

Examples of Class Released Claims in a sentence

  • Class Releasors hereby covenant not to sue the Class Releasees or to bring a motion in their bankruptcy case with respect to any Class Released Claims, including any claims that Class Releasors, or any of them, does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of the release that if known by him or her, might have affected his or her settlement with and release of the Class Releasees, or might have affected his or her decision not to object to or opt-out of this Settlement.

  • All members of the Class shall be subject to and bound by the provisions of this Settlement Agreement, the Class Released Claims, and the Judgment with respect to all Class Released Claims regardless of whether such Class Members obtain payment pursuant to the Settlement.

  • The Class Releasors contemplate and agree that this Agreement may be pleaded as a bar to a lawsuit or motion, and an injunction may be obtained preventing any action from being initiated or maintained, in any case sought to be prosecuted on behalf of any Class Releasors (including, but not limited to, for actual damages, statutory damages, and exemplary or punitive damages) based on the Class Released Claims.

  • Class Releasors shall be permanently barred and enjoined from instituting, commencing, or prosecuting any claims or motions against the Class Releasees of any kind (including, but not limited to, for actual damages, statutory damages, restitution, and exemplary or punitive damages) based on the Class Released Claims.

  • Without limiting the foregoing, Xxxxx Fargo shall have, in its sole and absolute discretion, the option to terminate the Settlement in its entirety in the event that the Judgment, upon becoming Final, does not provide for the dismissal with prejudice of the Action and the Class Released Claims.

More Definitions of Class Released Claims

Class Released Claims means all claims of Class Members from December 11, 2005, through the
Class Released Claims means the claims described in ¶2 and ¶87 of this 12 Agreement and released by Plaintiff and the Class Members pursuant to ¶97 and ¶99 of this 13 Agreement.
Class Released Claims means all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, demands, rights, suits, obligations, debts, contracts, agreements, promises, liabilities, damages, charges, penalties, losses, costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees, in law or equity, fixed or contingent, which Class Members have or may have, arising out of or relating to any of the acts, omissions or other conduct by Defendants alleged or otherwise referred to in the Complaint, or any preceding version thereof filed in the Action, including, but not limited to, any and all claims related in any way to the advertisement or communication of prices in Old Navy Stores and Old Navy Outlet Stores located in the United States or on the Old Navy website by any means during the Class Period.
Class Released Claims means any and all actual, potential, filed, unfiled, known or unknown, fixed or contingent, claimed or unclaimed, suspected or unsuspected, claims, demands, liabilities, rights, causes of action, contracts or agreements, extra-contractual claims, damages, punitive, exemplary or multiplied damages, expenses, costs, attorneys’ fees and/or obligations, whether in law or in equity, accrued or unaccrued, direct, individual or representative, of every nature and description whatsoever, whether based on the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act or other federal, state, local, statutory or common law or any other law, including the law of any jurisdiction outside the United States, against the Defendant, arising out of or relating to the collection, storage, use, dissemination, retention, or disclosure of biometric and/or facial recognition data or information at any time prior to and up to the date of final approval by the court of the Settlement Agreement, including any and all claims that were pleaded in the Litigation.
Class Released Claims means any and all actions, causes of action, claims, 14 demands, liabilities, obligations, fees, costs, sanctions, proceedings, and/or rights of any nature and 15 description whatsoever, including, without limitation, violations of any state or federal statutes, 16 rules or regulations, or principles of common law, whether liquidated or unliquidated, known or 17 unknown, in law or in equity, whether or not concealed or hidden, by Plaintiff, members of the 18 Settlement Class, or any of them (on their own behalf and/or on behalf of the proposed class or the 19 general public) against Defendant, or any other Released Parties, through the date the Final 20 Approval Order and Judgment is entered, and that are based on, arise out of, or in any way relate to 21 the facts, transactions, events, occurrences, acts, disclosures, advertisements, omissions, or failure to 22 act concerning the manufacturing, marketing, sale, labeling and/or advertising of Defendant’s Class 23 Products or the lawfulness, composition and/or ingredients of the Class Products. Notwithstanding 24 the above, “Class Released Claims” shall exclude any claims for personal injury on behalf of the 25 Settlement Class.
Class Released Claims means the claims released by the Class Members in Section III.C(1)-(3).
Class Released Claims means any and all actions, causes of action, claims, demands, liabilities, obligations, fees, costs, sanctions, suits, damages, losses, proceedings and/or rights of any nature and description whatsoever, whether under federal, state or Puerto Rico statute, common law or otherwise, known or unknown, whether asserted or unasserted, latent or patent, that were or could have been asserted in the Arbitration against the Released Respondents Parties arising from, regarding, or relating to, Respondents’ alleged underpayment of Class Members for treatment rendered by Class Members to Respondents’ Medicare Advantage Plans’ members during the Class Period or any portion thereof including, but not limited to: