Released Claim definition

Released Claim means the matters that are subject to release and discharge pursuant to ARTICLE 10 hereof;
Released Claim has the meaning set forth in Section 9.14.
Released Claim means the matters that are subject to release and discharge pursuant to Article 10 of the plan;

Examples of Released Claim in a sentence

  • The Parties also agree to use their best efforts to seek the stay and dismissal of, and to oppose entry of any interim or final relief in favor of any Settlement Class Member in any other proceedings against any of the Released Parties that challenge the Settlement or otherwise assert or involve, directly or indirectly, a Released Claim.

  • The UNDERSIGNED covenants that the UNDERSIGNED shall not directly or indirectly, bring, commence, institute, maintain, prosecute, aid or fund in any way any action of any kind or otherwise assert against any of the RELEASEES anywhere in the world any Released Claim.

More Definitions of Released Claim

Released Claim means, with respect to any Releasing Party, any Claim, Cause of Action, or any other debt, obligation, right, suit, damage, judgment, action, remedy, or liability which is released by such Releasing Party under Section 9 of this Agreement.
Released Claim means any claim, liability, right, demand, suit, obligation, damage, including consequential damage, loss or cost, punitive damage, attorneys’ fee and cost, action or cause of action, of every kind or description— whether known or Unknown (as the termUnknown Claims” is defined herein), suspected or unsuspected, asserted or unasserted, liquidated or unliquidated, legal, statutory, or equitable—related to or arising from any of the facts alleged in any of the Actions.
Released Claim means the matters that are subject to release and discharge pursuant to Article 9 hereof and, for greater certainty, shall include Settled Litigation Claims;
Released Claim means, with respect to any Releasing Party, any Claim, or Cause of Action that is released by such Releasing Party under Section 13 of this Agreement.
Released Claim means any Claim waived or released in accordance with section 8.3 of this Plan.
Released Claim means those Class Claims, CTSCA Claims, NSP Released Claims, and Assigned Property Damage Claims released as set forth in Article 7 of this Settlement Agreement.
Released Claim shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1(b) hereof.