Authority Personal Data definition

Authority Personal Data means any Personal Data supplied for the purposes of or in connection with this Framework Agreement by the Authority to the Supplier;
Authority Personal Data means any Personal Data supplied for the purposes of, or in connection with, the Grant Funding Agreement by the Authority to the Grant Recipient;
Authority Personal Data. “BACS” means the data supplied by the Authority to the Supplier and for the purposes of or in connection with this Framework Agreement; means the Banks Automated Clearing System;

Examples of Authority Personal Data in a sentence

  • Where the Supplier is Processing Authority Personal Data, the Supplier shall ensure that it has in place appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the Security of the Authority (and to guard against unauthorised or unlawful Processing or accidental loss, destruction of or damage to the Authority Personal Data).

  • Authority Personal Data: the supervisory authority referred to in section 51 (1) of the GDPR.

  • The types of Authority Personal Data processed under the Agreement may include full name, postal addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, job titles, gender and any other types of Personal Data included in the Authority Data.

  • DATA PROTECTION With respect to the Parties' rights and obligations under this Framework Agreement, the Parties agree that the Authority is the Data Controller and that the Supplier is the Data Processor in relation to Authority Personal Data.

  • FW-24.1 The provisions of this Clause FW-24 shall apply during the Term and for such time as the Supplier holds the Authority Personal Data.

More Definitions of Authority Personal Data

Authority Personal Data. Data SubjectPersonal Data Processed by the Service Provider on behalf of the Authority; as the meaning given to it by section 1(1) of the DPA;
Authority Personal Data have the meanings given to them in Schedule 6.
Authority Personal Data. Authority Representative" "Authority's Confidential Information"
Authority Personal Data. Means Personal Data belonging to the Authority
Authority Personal Data. Personal Data Processed by the Concessionaire on behalf of TfL; “Data Subject” as the meaning given to it by section 1(1) of the DPA;
Authority Personal Data has the meaning given to it in Clause 6.2 of the Agreement;
Authority Personal Data means Personal Data supplied by the Authority, any Authority Service Recipient or any Authority Party to, or on-supplied by BT to, the Contractor or any Contractor Party, or otherwise generated by the Contractor or any Contractor Party, in connection with the Project;