Return to Sponsor Sample Clauses

Return to Sponsor. After completion of Trial conduct or at an earlier time specified by Sponsor, Institution will arrange for return of Equipment and Sponsor materials, at Sponsor’s expense, to Sponsor or a location designated by Sponsor. C-3.
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Return to Sponsor. Po dokončení provádění Studie nebo dříve v termínu, který stanoví Zadavatel, zajistí Centrum na náklady Zadavatele případně vrácení Vybavení Zadavatele Zadavateli nebo na místo určené Zadavatelem. After completion of Study conduct or at an earlier time specified by Sponsor, Center will arrange for return of Equipment, at Sponsor’s expense, if applicable, to Sponsor or a location designated by Sponsor. Příloha 4: Dohoda o zpracování osobních údajů / Appendix 4: Data Processing Agreement Zadavatel je pro účely popsané ve Smlouvě Správcem zpracování Osobních údajů. Centrum bude působit jako Zpracovatel Zadavatele při Zpracování Osobních údajů během provádění Studie. Kromě veškerých dalších povinností, které může Centrum podle této Smlouvy mít, bude Centrum dodržovat v souvislosti s prováděním Studie podmínky této DPA (Dohody o zpracování osobních údajů [Data Processing Agreement]). Sponsor is the Controller of the Processing of Personal Data, for the purposes described in the Agreement. The Centre will act as Processor of the Sponsor in Processing Personal Data during the conduct of the Study. In addition to any other obligations the Center may have pursuant to the Agreement, the Center shall comply with the terms of this DPA in connection with the conduct of the Study. Termíny psané s velkým písmenem zde používané, avšak v této DPA jinak nedefinované, budou mít stejný význam, jaký je uveden ve Smlouvě. V případě nesrovnalostí mezi ustanoveními této DPA a jakýmikoli ustanoveními Smlouvy mají s ohledem na povinnosti Partnerů týkající se ochrany osobních údajů ve vztahu k Osobním údajům přednost ustanovení této DPA. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in this DPA will have the same meaning as set forth in the Agreement. In the event of inconsistencies between the provisions of this DPA and any provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of this DPA shall prevail with regard to the Partners' data protection obligations relating to Personal Data.
Return to Sponsor. After completion of Trial conduct or at an earlier time specified by Sponsor, Institution will arrange for return of Equipment and Sponsor materials, at Sponsor’s expense (through INC Research), to Sponsor, or a location designated by Sponsor or INC Research. C-3. Vrácení vybavení a materiálů zadavateli. Po dokončení klinického hodnocení nebo v dřívějším termínu určeném zadavatelem, instituce zajistí vrácení vybavení a materiálů zadavatele, na náklady zadavatele (prostřednictvím společnosti INC Research), zadavateli nebo na místo určené zadavatelem nebo společností INC Research. Attachment D Příloha D RESEARCH GRANT WORKSHEET ROZPIS VÝZKUMNÉHO GRANTU Sponsor Name: Pharma Mar Protocol: PM1183-C-003-14 Site PI: prim XXXx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Indication: Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) Control Arm Topotecan Costs Visit Name Institution Total Per Patient Control Arm (3 cycles)*: 859.518 * inclusive of any applicable overhead Experimental Arm Costs Visit Name Institution Total Per Patient Experimental Arm (5 cycles)*: 1,234.24 * inclusive of any applicable overhead Control Arm CAV Costs Visit Name Institution Total Per Patient Control Arm CAV (3 cycles)*: 801.75 * inclusive of any applicable overhead Strana 26 z 26 PM1183-C-003-14
Return to Sponsor. After completion of Trial C-3. Vrátenie Sponzorovi. Po dokončení výkonu conduct or at an earlier time specified by Sponsor, Institution will arrange for return of Equipment and Sponsor materials, at Sponsor’s expense, to Sponsor or a location designated by Sponsor. Skúšania alebo podľa určenia Sponzora skôr, zabezpečí Inštitúcia vrátenie Vybavenia a materiálov Sponzora Sponzorovi alebo na miesto určené Sponzorom, a to na náklady Sponzora. ATTACHMENT D PRÍLOHA D RESEARCH GRANT WORKSHEET ROZPIS VÝZKUMNÉHO GRANTU Study VO72.12 Visit 1(Screening) Visit 2 Visit 3 Visit 4 Visit 5 Visit 6 Visit 7/ ET Visit 8 (Followup) Total Informed Consent Form € 7,80 € 7,80 Demographics and Medical History € 17,10 € 17,10 Skin Prick Test € 18,00 € 18,00 € 36,00 Blood sampling € 3,00 € 3,00 € 6,00 Urine sample collection € 1,80 € 1,80 Specimen Handling (Phys to Lab) € 2,70 € 2,70 € 5,40 Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria € 9,00 € 4,50 € 13,50 Concomitant Medications € 3,00 € 3,00 € 3,00 € 3,00 € 3,00 € 3,00 € 3,00 € 3,00 € 24,00 Initial Physical Examination € 20,10 € 20,10 Follow up Physical Examination € 8,10 € 8,10 € 8,10 € 8,10 € 8,10 € 8,10 € 8,10 € 56,70 Spirometry € 14,40 € 14,40 € 14,40 € 14,40 € 14,40 € 14,40 € 14,40 € 100,80 ACT € 2,40 € 2,40 € 2,40 € 7,20 FeNO measurement € 7,80 € 7,80 € 7,80 € 7,80 € 7,80 € 7,80 € 46,80 AQLQ € 3,60 € 3,60 € 3,60 € 3,60 € 14,40 SF 12 € 2,10 € 2,10 € 2,10 € 2,10 € 8,40 RQLQ € 3,60 € 3,60 € 7,20 Pharmacy/Dispensing fees € 3,90 € 3,90 € 3,90 € 3,90 € 3,90 € 19,50 Adverse events € 3,90 € 3,90 € 3,90 € 3,90 € 3,90 € 3,90 € 3,90 € 27,30 Per Subject Procedure Totals: € 99,30 € 57,30 € 41,10 € 41,10 € 46,80 € 46,80 € 54,60 € 33,00 € 420,00 Physician Fees € 36,00 € 22,80 € 22,80 € 22,80 € 22,80 € 22,80 € 22,80 € 22,80 € 195,60 Study Coordinator Fee (includes all activities) € 30,00 € 24,00 € 24,00 € 24,00 € 24,00 € 24,00 € 24,00 € 24,00 € 198,00 Per Subject Other Direct Cost Totals: € 66,00 € 46,80 € 46,80 € 46,80 € 46,80 € 46,80 € 46,80 € 46,80 € 393,60 Overheads 15% € 24,80 € 15,62 € 13,19 € 13,19 € 14,04 € 14,04 € 15,21 € 11,97 € 122,04 Per Subject Cost Per Visit € 190,10 € 119,72 € 101,09 € 101,09 € 107,64 € 107,64 € 116,61 € 91,77 € 935,64 UnscheduledVisit € 3,00 € 8,10 € 14,40 € 3,90 € 29,40 € 22,80 € 24,00 € 46,80 € 11,43 € 87,63 Invoiceable Items Reimbursement Details Patient Reimbursementper Visit € 20,00 INC Research, on behalf of Sponsor, shall reimburse upon receipt of invoice, with adequate documentation, to a maximum amount of 20Euros ...

Related to Return to Sponsor

  • Return to Service Upon return to active service, the employee shall promptly complete the District absences form and submit it to the immediate or appropriate Administrator.

  • Return to Duty The SAPC will meet with a Covered Employee who has tested positive for alcohol and/or drugs. The SAPC will discuss what course of action may be appropriate, if any, and assistance from which the employee may benefit, if any, and will communicate a proposed return-to-work plan, if necessary, to the employee and department. The SAPC may recommend that the Covered Employee voluntarily enter into an appropriate rehabilitation program administered by the Covered Employee’s health insurance carrier prior to returning to work. The Covered Employee may not return to work until the SAPC certifies that the employee has a negative test prior to returning to work. In the event that the SAPC does not schedule a return-to-work test before the Covered Employee’s return-to-work date, the SAPC shall arrange for the Covered Employee to take a return-to-work test within three (3) working days of the Covered Employee notifying the SAPC in writing of a request to take a return-to-work test. If a Covered Employee fails a return-to-work test, the employee shall be placed on unpaid leave until testing negative but shall not be subject to any additional discipline due to a non-negative return-to- work test. The SAPC will provide a written release to the appropriate department or division certifying the employee’s right to return to work.

  • RETURN TO PREVIOUS POSITION A promoted employee who is dismissed during his probationary period, except if the cause warrants action to dismiss him from the County Service, shall return to the position in which he held permanent status, if vacant, or any other vacant position in his former classification unless all positions in that classification are filled. The employee so dismissed may write a letter for inclusion in his permanent personnel file. Upon a return to his former position in the same agency or department, the employee shall not serve a new probationary period. In the absence of such vacancy in the agency or department in which he held permanent status, the dismissed probationary employee may either:

  • Return to Position Upon return from FMLA leave, the employee shall be returned to the same or equivalent position in the same class and work location, including the same shift or equivalent schedule, unless the University and the employee agree in writing to other conditions and terms under which such leave is to be granted.

  • Notification of Return For absences longer than one day, each faculty member shall make every effort to keep the appropriate supervisor advised of his/her condition, and provide an estimate of their expected return.

  • Return to Work Program When feasible, the Employer will provide alternative work opportunities to employees injured on the job. The Employer shall work closely with the employee and his/her physician to determine if and when the employee can return to modified duty, and what assignments and/or activity level restrictions must be adhered to.

  • Entitlements Upon Return to Work (a) An employee who returns to work after the expiration of maternity, parental or pre-adoption leaves shall retain the seniority the employee had accumulated prior to commencing the leave and shall be credited with seniority for the period of time covered by the leave.

  • Return to Work (a) The parties recognize the duty of reasonable accommodation for individuals under the Human Rights Code of Ontario and agree that this Collective Agreement will be interpreted in such a way as to permit the Employer and the Union to discharge that duty. To that end, the Home and the Union agree to cooperate in complying with the Ontario Human Rights Code.

  • Return to Duty Testing Any employee who has tested positive on a drug and/or alcohol test, and who was afforded the opportunity to return to work, must test negative for drugs and/or alcohol and be evaluated and released to duty by the Substance Abuse Professional before returning to work.

  • Return to Former Class An employee who is returned to a former class following promotion, transfer, or demotion due to layoff, shall receive that step of the range which he or she would have received had he or she never left the former class.

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