Public Official Sample Clauses

Public Official. Any individual who, even transitorily or without payment, holds a public office or official position in any Governmental Authority, any public company controlled by a Governmental Authority or any company in which a Governmental Authority participates in a material respect its affairs, as well as political parties.
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Public Official. No official or employee of the IDHW and no other public official of the State of Idaho or the United States government who exercises any functions or responsibilities in the review or approval of the undertaking or carrying out of the Contract shall, prior to the termination of the Contract, voluntarily acquire any personal interest, direct or indirect, in the Contract or proposed Contract.
Public Official. For the purpose of this Agreement, “Public Official” means any officer, employee or representative of a national or foreign government or international organization and of any respective associated department,
Public Official. For the purpose of this Agreement, “Public Official” means any officer or employee of a local or foreign government or any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, or of a public international organization (non-governmental institution included) as well as any person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of any such government, department, agency, or instrumentality, or for or on behalf of any such public international organization as well healthcare professionals, working in healthcare institutions, in which the central, regional or local government owns an interest or has control or which are paid partly or as a whole by the government. Regardless of whether or not such transfer might constitute a bribe, Provider and Investigator may not transfer anything of value to a Public Official without the prior approval of the Sponsor. Provider and Investigator may not transfer anything of value to agents for the purpose of offering, promising, paying, receiving, soliciting, or arranging for the payment of, or reimbursing anyone for payment of, a bribe or a transaction of anything of value to a Public Official.
Public Official. It is recognized that professionals while operating under this contract will be performing a variety of services on behalf of and in the sole interest of the City. It is hereby understood that professionals acting as quasi-public officials may enjoy certain rights, privileges, protections and immunities under the New Jersey Tort Claims Act (N.J.
Public Official. For the purpose of this Agreement, “Public Official” means any officer, employee or representative of a national or foreign government or international organization and of any respective associated department, agency, institution and organization, including public companies and political parties as well as any person acting in an official capacity for any such government, international organization, department, agency, institution and organization as well as healthcare professionals, working in healthcare institutions, in which the national, regional or local government owns an interest or which are financed partly or as a whole by the respective government.. 12.2 Zástupce veřejné moci. Pojem „Zástupce veřejné moci“ pro účely této Smlouvy znamená jakéhokoli úředníka, zaměstnance nebo zástupce národního nebo zahraničního státního orgánu nebo mezinárodní organizace a jakéhokoli příslušného přidruženého oddělení, agentury, instituce a organizace, včetně veřejných společností a politických stran, jakož i jakékoli osoby jednající v oficiální funkci pro jakýkoli takový státní orgán, mezinárodní organizaci, oddělení, agenturu, instituci a organizaci, jakož i zdravotnické pracovníky pracující ve zdravotnických zařízeních, ve kterých má národní, regionální nebo místní státní orgán podíl nebo které jsou částečně nebo jako celek příslušným státním orgánem financovány.
Public Official. For the purpose of this Agreement, “Public Official” means any officer or employee of a local or foreign government or any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, or of a public international organization as well as any person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of any such government, department, agency, or instrumentality, or for or on behalf of any such public international organization as well healthcare professionals, working in healthcare institutions, in which the central, regional or local government owns an interest or has control or which are paid partly or as a whole by the government. Regardless of whether or not such transfer might constitute a bribe, Exxxxxx MC may not transfer anything of value to a Public Official without the prior approval of AIM. Exxxxxx MC may not transfer anything of value to agents for the purpose of offering, promising, paying, receiving, soliciting, or arranging for the payment of, or reimbursing anyone for payment of, a bribe or a transaction of anything of value to a Public Official.
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Public Official. For the purpose of this Agreement, “Public Official” means any officer or employee of a local or foreign government or any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, or of a public international organization (non- governmental institution included) as well as any person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of any such government, department, agency, or instrumentality, or for or on behalf of any such public international organization as well healthcare professionals, working in healthcare institutions, in which the central, regional or local government owns an interest or has control or which are paid partly or as a whole by the government. Regardless of whether or not such transfer might constitute a bribe, Institution and Investigator may not transfer anything of value to a Public Official without the prior approval of the Sponsor. Institution and Investigator may not transfer anything of value to agents for the purpose of offering, promising, paying, receiving, soliciting,
Public Official. Owner acknowledges that its receipt of monetary and other good and valuable consideration hereunder may represent a conflict of interest if Owner is a government employee or otherwise serves on a governmental entity with decision-making authority (a “Public Official”) as to any rights Grantee may seek, or as to any obligations that may be imposed upon Grantee in order develop and/or operate the Project (“Development Rights”), and Owner hereby agrees to (1) recuse him/herself from all such decisions related to Xxxxxxx’s Development Rights unless such recusal is prohibited by law or is not reasonably practicable considering the obligations of such Public Official’s position and (2) recuse him/herself from all such decisions related to Xxxxxxx’s Development Rights if such recusal is required by law. If Owner is not required pursuant to (1) and (2) above to recuse him/herself from a decision related to Xxxxxxx’s Development Rights, Owner shall, in advance of any vote or other official action on the Development Rights, disclose the existence of this Agreement (but not the financial terms therein) at an open meeting of the relevant governmental entity Owner serves on as a Public Official. Additionally, if Owner is a Public Official and any of Owner’s spouse, child or other dependent has a financial interest in the Project, Owner shall disclose such relationship (but not the financial terms thereof) at an open meeting of the relevant governmental entity Owner serves on as a Public Official, prior to participation in any decision related to Xxxxxxx’s Development Rights.
Public Official. For the purpose of this Agreement, “Public Official” means any officer or employee of a local or foreign government or any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, or of a public international organization (non- governmental institution included) as 15.2 Zástupce veřejné moci. Pojem „zástupce veřejné moci“ znamená pro účely této Smlouvy jakéhokoli úředníka či zaměstnance domácí nebo zahraniční vlády nebo jakéhokoli jejího ministerstva, agentury nebo úřadu nebo veřejnoprávní mezinárodní well as any person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of any such government, department, agency, or instrumentality, or for or on behalf of any such public international organization as well healthcare professionals, working in healthcare institutions, in which the central, regional or local government owns an interest or has control or which are paid partly or as a whole by the government. organizace (včetně nevládních organizací), a také jakoukoli osobu jednající či jakoukoli sekci, oddělení, orgán či pobočku těchto institucí, nebo jakoukoli osobu jednající v kompetenci úřední moci v zastoupení jakékoli takové vlády nebo jejího ministerstva, agentury nebo úřadu nebo v zastoupení jakékoli veřejnoprávní mezinárodní organizace, a zároveň zdravotnické odborníky, kteří pracují ve zdravotnických zařízeních, v nichž vlastní podíl nebo které ovládají ústřední, regionální nebo místní orgány státní moci nebo která jsou jimi zčásti nebo zcela financována.
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