Price Risk. The prices of Precious Metal depend on movements in the financial markets. As a result, the value of Precious Metal can fluctuate and the price of your Precious Metal can be lower than the price for which you purchased it. If the value of your Precious Metal drops to zero, you could lose the value of your whole investment. The price of the Precious Metal at the time that you enter an order through the Depository Online website is not necessarily the price at which the order shall be executed as a delay in the execution can occur. This applies in particular - but not exclusively - to orders that are placed outside of Business Days.
Price Risk. The AIF shall invest virtually exclusively in physical HELVETIA Gold Ounces. A small proportion of the AIF's assets shall be held in the form of liquid instruments in order to safeguard the liquidity of the AIF. To ensure that its liquidity is managed efficiently and to maximise the desired investment focus the AIF may also place a small proportion of its assets in indirect gold invest- ments as specified in Annex B, "AIF summary". The price performance of gold ounces is directly dependent on the performance of the gold price. Accordingly, a slump in the price of gold would mean a corresponding fall in the value of the AIF, and in the worst-case scenario could result in the loss of the entire investment. The price of AIF units shall not be hedged against falls in the gold price and no sales of physical gold shall be made at such times.
Price Risk. 14.1 Equity and/or Debt Securities can be volatile instruments and may be subject to considerable fluctuations in value. The value of an Equity and/or Debt Security may fall as rapidly as it may rise due to numerous factors, including, but not limited to systematic risks, variations in the frequency and magnitude of changes in interest / profit rates, inflation outlook (and the price/level of any underlying reference instrument to which the security relates (e.g., other securities, commodities, funds, rates and/or indices)).
Price Risk. 12.1 Unit Trusts can be volatile instruments and may be subject to considerable fluctuations in value. The value of a unit trust may fall as rapidly as it may rise due to numerous factors, including, but not limited to systematic risks, variations in the frequency and magnitude of changes in interest rates, inflation outlook (and the price/level of any underlying reference instrument to which the unit trust relates (e.g. securities, commodities, funds, rates and/or indices)).
Price Risk. Price risk can come from a variety of sources as follows:
Price Risk. The Client must understand that the market trading price of this product is subject to significant fluctuations without any limit on the range of price movement. The maximum potential loss could result in the forfeiture of all invested principal.
Price Risk. The price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are highly volatile. It is possible for prices to increase or decrease by over 100% in a single day. Although this could mean potential profits, this also could mean potential losses. Only invest money which you are ready to lose. Cryptocurrency trading may not be suitable for all users of this Website. Anyone looking to invest in cryptocurrencies should consult a fully qualified independent professional financial adviser.
Price Risk. Because the prices and characteristics of transactions are individually negotiated and there is no central source for obtaining prices from competing dealers, there can be inefficiencies in transaction pricing. B2C2 makes no representation or warranty that prices will always be the best prices available to you. B2C2 may make a profit from a transaction with you no matter what result the transaction has from your point of view.
Price Risk. Because the prices and characteristics of transactions are individually negotiated and there is no central source for obtaining prices from competing dealers, there can be inefficiencies in transaction pricing. Neither AlphaPoint Global nor its Affiliates and Designees make any representation or warranty that prices will always be the best prices available to you. AlphaPoint Global and its Affiliates and Designees may make a profit from a transaction with you no matter what result the transaction is for you.
Price Risk. Because the prices and characteristics of transactions are individually negotiated and there is no central source for obtaining prices from competing dealers, there can be inefficiencies in transaction pricing. Neither Xxxxxxxx Financial nor its Affiliates and Designees make any representation or warranty that prices will always be the best prices available to you. Xxxxxxxx Financial and its Affiliates and Designees may make a profit from a transaction with you no matter what result the transaction is for you.