Patent Claim Sample Clauses

Patent Claim. MS’ obligations shall be limited to patent Claims where the Product (excluding Sample Code) software alone, without combination or modification, either: (i) directly infringes an asserted patent claim; or (ii) embodies all the essential inventive elements of an asserted patent claim.
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Patent Claim. Following the Closing, Buyer shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to prosecute the Patent Claim and shall have sole discretion with respect thereto; provided, that Buyer shall consult with Xxxxx Xxxx on all material decisions related thereto.
Patent Claim. None of the parties hereto shall lodge any claim against another party on grounds of the infringement by that other party upon any patent right, copyright or other similar right relating to the use of technical information where such use arises from the implementation of the Projects. 专利权声言:本协议各方均不应以对方侵权为理由,就专利权、版权或与在项目实施过程中形成的技术信息应用相关的其他类似权利,对另一方提出索赔要求。
Patent Claim. 17.1 The benefit and the burden of the Patent Claim shall be shared between the Retained Group and the Purchaser's Group so that the Seller shall have 80 per cent, of the benefit and the burden of the Patent Claim and the Group shall have 20 per cent. of the benefit and the burden of the Patent Claim. Accordingly:
Patent Claim. OmniLink has advised TNS that it believes that it has a valid claim against Motorola, Inc. for the infringement of United States patent no. 5,621,731 included among the Rights (the "Claim"), and OmniLink confirms that the Claim is being assigned to TNS along with the Rights. All amounts hereafter received in settlement or judgment or in any other manner pursuant to or related to the Claim, net of all losses, liability, costs or expense (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred or suffered by TNS in any way related to such Claim (including, without limitation, any counterclaims asserted by Motorola, Inc.) are referred to collectively herein as the "Net Recovery." TNS shall be entitled to retain 70% of any Net Recovery and shall promptly pay from time to time OmniLink 30% of any Net Recovery as and when received by TNS. Except as may be otherwise required by law, OmniLink shall be relieved of any and all obligations accruing after the Closing with respect to the Claim, including but not limited to any obligation or responsibility to litigate the Claim, but OmniLink agrees (a) that it will provide reasonable assistance to TNS in any prosecution of the Claim, including but not limited to reasonable access to those books and records in possession of OmniLink related to the Claim and to those employees of OmniLink who are familiar with the Claim or matters related thereto, and (b) that TNS shall have the sole and exclusive right, in its absolute discretion, to determine whether to initiate any action to pursue, or not to pursue, the Claim, and if so pursued, to determine to discontinue such pursuit at any time.
Patent Claim. Seller shall use its reasonable efforts to resolve the Xxxxxxx and Hurco Claims expeditiously. Any settlement of the Xxxxxxx and Hurco Claims by Seller which has an effect on the operation by Purchaser of the Transferred Business shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Supply Agreement. As long as such settlement is in accordance with the provisions of the Supply Agreement, Purchaser shall not bear any liability with respect to royalties payable under a license of the Existing Xxxxxxx and Hurco Rights except to the extent set forth in the Supply Agreement relating to the supply of Xxxxxxx and Hurco Products thereunder.

Related to Patent Claim

  • Joint Patent Rights With respect to any potentially patentable Joint Invention, the Parties shall confer and agree upon which Party, if any, shall prepare, file, Prosecute (including any interferences, reissue proceedings, and other administrational proceedings) and Maintain patent applications covering such Joint Invention (any such patent application and any patents issuing therefrom a “Joint Patent Right”), at the responsible Party’s expense. It is the intention of the Parties that, unless otherwise agreed in writing, ATI would prepare, file, Prosecute and Maintain any Joint Patent Rights. The Party that Prosecutes a patent application in the Joint Patent Rights (the “Prosecuting Party”) shall provide the other Party reasonable opportunity to review and comment on such Prosecution efforts regarding the applicable Joint Patent Rights in the particular jurisdictions, and such other Party shall provide the Prosecuting Party reasonable assistance in such efforts. The Prosecuting Party shall provide the other Party with a copy of all material communications from any patent authority in the applicable jurisdictions regarding the Joint Patent Rights being Prosecuted by such Party, and shall provide drafts of any material filings or responses to be made to such patent authorities a reasonable amount of time in advance of submitting such filings or responses. In particular, each Party agrees to provide the other Party with all information necessary to enable the other Party to comply with the duty of candor/duty of disclosure requirements of any patent authority. Should ATI determine that it will no longer support the continued Prosecution or Maintenance of a particular Joint Patent Right in a country or jurisdiction, ATI shall provide Rigel with written notice of such determination at least thirty (30) Business Days prior to any deadline for taking action to avoid abandonment of such Joint Patent Right. Rigel shall have the right, but not ***Text Omitted and Filed Separately Confidential Treatment Requested Under 17 C.F.R. §§ 200.80(b)(4) and 230.406 obligation, to file, Prosecute and Maintain such Joint Patent Rights in the applicable jurisdiction at Rigel’s expense.

  • Licensed Patent Rights The term “Licensed Patent Rights” shall mean rights arising out of or resulting from:

  • Patent Rights The State and the U. S. Department of Transportation shall have the royalty free, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to use and to authorize others to use any patents developed by the Engineer under this contract.

  • Licensed Patents Licensee shall be responsible for all further patent prosecution with respect to the Licensed Patents and Licensed Technologies set out in Exhibit “A”. Licensee may select the patent agent for the prosecution of the Licensed Patents, subject to the approval of Licensor as the patent owner, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Licensee shall provide Licensor with copies of all relevant documentation related to the filing and prosecution of the Licensed Patents so that Licensor may be informed and apprised of and meaningfully consulted as to the continuing prosecution. Licensor shall keep all such documentation confidential. In the event the Licensee does not agree that any given patent application or patent should be filed, prosecuted or maintained (hereinafter referred to as a “Refused Licensed Patent”) in a particular jurisdiction(s) Licensee shall indicate such disagreement in writing (hereinafter “Refusal Notice”) and upon Licensor’s receipt of such Refusal Notice Licensor shall have the right unilaterally to make, prosecute and maintain such Refused Licensed * Confidential Information, indicated by [***], has been omitted from this filing and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission Patent in such jurisdiction(s) in the name of its owners, at Licensor’s expense, and Licensee shall not have any rights or obligations to such Refused Licensed Patent in such jurisdiction(s); provided, however, that Licensee shall retain all of its ownership rights in any Refused Licensed Patent that is a Co-Owned Technology. In such case Licensor shall provide Licensee with copies of all relevant documentation related to the filing and prosecution of the Refused Licensed Patents so that Licensee may be informed and apprised of and be meaningfully consulted with as to the continuing prosecution. Licensor shall have no obligation to continue prosecution or maintenance of any Refused Licensed Patent and may abandon same without any prior notice or any obligation to Licensee. Both Licensee and Licensor shall make best efforts to respond promptly to any request from the other Party for input or assistance with respect to matters pertaining to the Licensed Patents. Licensee shall use reasonable efforts to amend any patent application to include claims reasonably requested by the other Party and required to protect the Licensed Technology. In addition to Licensee’s obligations pursuant to section 4.1 above, Licensee shall be solely responsible for all patent and legal costs relating to the Licensed Patents and Licensed Technology (excluding Refused Licensed Patents) from the Effective Date onward, including all costs relating to the transfer of the Licensed Patents to the new patent agents selected by Licensee and approved by Licensor. For any patent and legal costs relating to the Licensed Patents and Licensed Technology (excluding Refused Licensed Patents) paid by Licensor after the Effective Date (including, without limitation, those expenses related to patentability assessments and drafting, filing, prosecution, maintenance, and taxes (the “Patent Costs”)), Licensee shall promptly reimburse Licensor for such Patent Costs upon receipt of an invoice from Licensor for such expenses. For any work in progress with respect to the Licensed Patents for which the Patent Costs have not already been paid by Licensor to its patent firm prior to the transfer of the Licensed Patents to Licensee’s patent agent, Licensor will direct its patent firm to copy Licensee on all such invoices from said patent firm and Licensee will promptly pay said invoices directly to Licensor’s patent firm.

  • Infringement Claims You may submit an infringement claim notice to us at our Contact Formavailable here if you have a good faith belief that Your Content has been copied and made accessible through the Services (including as a part of the Service Content or Third Party Content) in violation of your Inte lectual Property Rights. A copyright infringement claims notice must include at (i) the identification of such a legedly infringing materials, including information su ficient for us to locate it within our Services, ( i) a demand that such a legedly infringing materials be removed or access disabled, ( i) a statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; (iv) a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is a legedly infringed; (v) contact information for you, such as address, phone number, and, if available, an email address; and (vi) must be signed by you or the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the a legedly infringed work (the “Notice Requirements”). Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 512(c)(3), if the above Notice Requirements are not met, we may disregard the notice. Pursuant 17 U.S.C. 512(f), be advised that knowingly making a material misrepresentation that online material or activity is infringing or that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification, may subject you to heavy civil penalties. These penalties include monetary damages, including costs and attorneys' fees, incurred by the a leged infringer, by any copyright owner or copyright owner's authorized licensee, or by a service provider who is injured by your misrepresentation. If we make a decision to remove Your Content in response to a complaint, we may notify you and provide you with contact information for the complaining party. You may also object to such determination by writing to our designated agent, which must contain the fo lowing information pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 512(g)(3), (i) your physical or electronic signature; ( i) identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled; ( i) a statement under penalty of perjury that the you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; and (iv) your name, address, phone number, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if you are located outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which the service provider may be found, and that you wil accept service of process from the person who provided notification under subsection 17 U.S.C. 512(c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person.

  • Joint Patents With respect to any potentially patentable Joint Invention, AstraZeneca shall have the first right, but not the obligation, to prepare patent applications based on such Joint Invention, to file and prosecute (including defense of any oppositions, interferences, reissue proceedings and reexaminations) such patent applications, and to maintain any Joint Patents issuing therefrom, in any jurisdictions throughout the Territory. FibroGen shall have the corresponding first right, but not the obligation, in any jurisdictions outside of the Territory other than China, in respect of which the China Agreement shall govern. If AstraZeneca determines in its sole discretion to abandon, cease prosecution or otherwise not file or maintain any Joint Patent anywhere in the Territory, then AstraZeneca shall provide FibroGen written notice of such determination at least thirty (30) days before any deadline for taking action to avoid abandonment (or other loss of rights) and shall provide FibroGen with the opportunity to prepare, file, prosecute and maintain such Joint Patent. The Party that is responsible for preparing, filing, prosecuting, and maintaining a particular Joint Patent (the “Prosecuting Party”) shall provide the other Party reasonable opportunity to review and comment on such prosecution efforts regarding such Joint Patent, and such other Party shall provide the Prosecuting Party reasonable assistance in such efforts. The Prosecuting Party shall provide the other Party with a copy of all material communications from any patent authority in the applicable jurisdictions regarding the Joint Patent being prosecuted by such Party, and shall provide drafts of any material filings or responses to be made to such patent authorities a reasonable amount of time in advance of submitting such filings or responses. In particular, each Party agrees to provide the other Party with all information necessary or desirable to enable the other Party to comply with the duty of candor/duty of disclosure requirements of any patent authority. Either Party may determine that it is no longer interested in supporting the continued prosecution or maintenance of a particular Joint Patent in a country or jurisdiction, in which case: (i) the disclaiming Party shall, if requested in writing by the other Party, assign its ownership interest in such Joint Patent in such country or jurisdiction to the other Party for no additional consideration; and (ii) if such assignment is effected, any such Joint Patent would thereafter be deemed a FibroGen Patent in the case of assignment to FibroGen, or a AstraZeneca Patent in the case of assignment to AstraZeneca; provided, however, that the disclaiming party would have an immunity from suit under such FibroGen Patent or AstraZeneca Patent, as the case may be, in the applicable country or jurisdiction. In addition, any Joint Patent that becomes a FibroGen Patent pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be excluded from the license granted to AstraZeneca in Section 7.1. Each Party shall bear its own internal costs in respect of the prosecution of Joint Patents. Out-of-pocket costs incurred in respect of the prosecution and maintenance of Joint Patents in the Territory shall be borne equally by AstraZeneca and FibroGen. In the event a Party elects to disclaim its interest in a Joint Patent, the costs incurred with respect to such Patent after the date of such disclaimer shall thereafter be borne exclusively by the other Party, without reimbursement or credit.

  • Third Party Patent Rights If either Party desires to bring an opposition, action for declaratory judgment, nullity action, interference, declaration for non-infringement, reexamination or other attack upon the validity, title or enforceability of a Patent Right owned or controlled by a Third Party and having one or more claims that Cover the Compound or Product, or the use, sale, offer for sale or importation of the Compound or Product (except insofar as such action is a counterclaim to or defense of, or accompanies a defense of, a Third Party’s claim or assertion of infringement under Section 7.6, in which case the provisions of Section 7.6 shall govern), such Party shall so notify the other Party and the Parties shall promptly confer to determine whether to bring such action or the manner in which to settle such action. Provention shall have the exclusive right, but not the obligation, to bring, at its own expense and in its sole control, such action in the Territory. If Provention does not bring such an action in the Territory, within ninety (90) days of notification thereof pursuant to this Section 7.7(a) (or earlier, if required by the nature of the proceeding), MacroGenics shall have the right, but not the obligation, to bring, at MacroGenics’ own expense, such action. The Party not bringing an action under this Section 7.7(a) shall be entitled to separate representation in such proceeding by counsel of its own choice and at its own expense, and shall cooperate fully with the Party bringing such action. Any awards or amounts received in bringing any such action shall be first allocated to reimburse the initiating Party’s expenses in such action, and any remaining amounts shall be allocated between the Parties as provided in Section 7.5(e).

  • Third Party Infringement Claims If a Third Party Infringement Claim occurs in the Territory with respect to one or more elements of the RLS Licensed Technical Information or RLS Licensed Software, or in Teletrac's opinion is likely to occur, Teletrac will use reasonable commercial efforts, at its option and expense, either to challenge such Third Party Infringement Claim or otherwise procure for Licensee the right to continue to use, maintain and provide support for the Radio Location System, or to replace or modify the alleged infringing element so that such element becomes non-infringing, provided that such replacement or modification does not materially affect performance of the Radio Location System. If Teletrac has spent, or anticipates that it will be required to spend, more than U.S. $100,000 for such efforts, then Teletrac may give Licensee a ninety (90) day option to pursue such efforts on its own and at its own expense. If Licensee elects to pursue such efforts on its own, then Licensee may deduct from the Annual Royalty Payments due to Teletrac in the future, the reasonable expenses Licensee has incurred in obtaining non-infringing elements, up to a maximum amount of U.S.$250,000. If Licensee has not elected to pursue such efforts on its own within such ninety (90) day option period, then Licensee must notify Teletrac in writing either (i) that this License Agreement shall continue in full force and effect without regard to such Third Party Infringement Claim and without any reduction in the Annual Royalty Payment, or (ii) that Licensee elects to terminate this License Agreement due to such Third Party Infringement Claim, which shall be deemed to be a termination under Section 7.1. If the use of any RLS Licensed Software or RLS Licensed Technical Information is enjoined and the foregoing remedies cannot reasonably be accomplished, or if Licensee elects to continue this License Agreement but fails to procure the right to use the infringing element or to replace or modify the infringing element so that it becomes non-infringing, then Teletrac may require the return of the infringing RLS Licensed Software or RLS Licensed Technical Information, and Licensee's right to use such RLS Licensed Software or RLS Licensed Technical Information shall thereupon terminate. In no event shall Teletrac have any obligation to repay or refund any amounts previously paid to it by Licensee.

  • Claimed Infringement Each Party will promptly notify the other Party if a Third Party brings any Action alleging patent infringement by Lian or Landos or any of their respective Affiliates or Sublicensees with respect to the Development, Manufacture or Commercialization of any Licensed Product or Joint Patent Rights (any such Action, an “Infringement Claim”) in the Territory. Lian will have the right, but not the obligation, to control the defense and response to any such Infringement Claim in the Territory with respect to Lian’s activities, at Lian’s sole cost and expense, and Landos will have the right, at its own expense, to be represented in any such Infringement Claim in the Territory by counsel of its own choice. Landos will have the sole right, but not the obligation, to control the defense and response to any such Infringement Claim with respect to Landos’ activities, including any such Infringement Claim in the Territory or outside of the Territory. Upon the request of the Party controlling the response to the Infringement Claim, the other Party will reasonably cooperate with the controlling Party in the reasonable defense of such Infringement Claim. The other Party will have the right to consult with the controlling Party concerning any Infringement Claim and to participate in and be represented by independent counsel in any associated litigation. If the Infringement Claim is brought against both Parties, then each Party will have the right to defend against the Infringement Claim. The Party defending an Infringement Claim under this Section 7.4 (Claimed Infringement) will (a) consult with the other Party as to the strategy for the prosecution of such defense, (b) consider in good faith any comments from the other Party with respect thereto and (c) keep the other Party reasonably informed of any material steps taken and provide copies of all material documents filed, in connection with such defense. The Party controlling the defense against an Infringement Claim will have the right to settle such Infringement Claim on terms deemed reasonably appropriate by such Party, provided, that, neither Party will have the right to settle any Infringement Claim under this Section 7.4 (Claimed Infringement) in a manner that diminishes the rights or interests of the other Party under this Agreement without the consent of such other Party, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld.

  • Third Party Patents If any Third Party claims that a patent it owns or controls claims any aspect of a Licensed Product or its manufacture, use or sale, the Party with notice of such claim shall notify the other Party promptly, and the Parties shall as soon as practicable thereafter discuss in good faith regarding the best response.

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