OPERATING CHARGE. The Consumer shall pay to the Co-op a monthly operating charge as set by the Board of Directors of the Co-op from time to time. The operating charge shall be payable by the Consumer from the first day of the month following the date on which natural gas is made available to the Consumer at the Service Location whether or not the Consumer is burning natural gas and payable on the same date and in the same manner as gas rates. In the event that the Consumer does not submit to the Co-op a reading of the gas mater as and when required by the Co-op, the Co-op may read the meter and charge the Consumer a fee for such meter reading as may be determined by the Board of Directors of the Co- op from time to time.
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OPERATING CHARGE. For each month of the Purchase Requirement Period Freeport shall determine an amount calculated in the same manner as the Operating Cost Reimbursement but excluding any vatting and melting costs. Such amount shall by multiplied by 105% and the product thereof divided by the number of tons of Felmont Main Pass Sulphur received by Freeport during such month. The amount thus obtained shall be the Operating Charge for such month.
OPERATING CHARGE. For any Billing Period, Operating Charge shall be $543,982.50 (as of January 1, 2004), which shall be adjusted, if necessary, pursuant to Sections 6.9, 6.10 and 6.11 hereof and escalated each October 1st thereafter by the Escalation Adjustment Factor which is computed in accordance with Schedule 1.
OPERATING CHARGE. In consideration of PTDC's performance of its obligations under this Agreement, GFCP agrees to pay to PTDC (i) through October 31, 1997, GFCP's Proportional Share (as defined below) of PTDC's estimated operating costs ("Estimated Operating Charge") with respect to the Real Property and Dock (collectively, the "Facility") which shall consist of the following items (collectively, "Costs"): (A) utility
OPERATING CHARGE. An amount estimated by Landlord to provide funds sufficient to pay Tenant’s Proportionate Share of Operating Costs, subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 3.4.


  • Parking Charges Any parking charges or other costs levied, assessed or imposed by, or at the direction of, or resulting from statutes or regulations, or interpretations thereof, promulgated by any governmental authority or insurer in connection with the use or occupancy of the Building or the Project.

  • Floating Charge (a) The Chargor charges by way of a first floating charge all its assets not at any time otherwise effectively mortgaged, charged or assigned by way of fixed mortgage, charge or assignment under this Clause.

  • Operating Costs The Assuming Institution agrees, during its period of use of any Leased Data Management Equipment, to pay to the Receiver or to appropriate third parties at the direction of the Receiver all operating costs with respect thereto and to comply with all relevant terms of any existing Leased Data Management Equipment leases entered into by the Failed Bank, including without limitation the timely payment of all rent, taxes, fees, charges, maintenance, utilities, insurance and assessments.

  • Delinquent Payment; Handling Charges All past due payments required of Tenant hereunder shall bear interest from the date due until paid at the lesser of twelve percent (f2%) per armum or the maximum laWful rate of interest (such lesser amount is referred to herein as the "Default Rate"); additionally, Landlord, in addition to all other rights and remedies available to it, may charge Tenant a fee equal to three and one-half percent (3.5%) of the delinquent payment to reimburse Landlord for its cost and inconvenience incurred as a consequence of Tenant's delinquency. In no event, however, shall the charges permitted under this Section 5 or elsewhere in this Lease, to the extent they are considered to be interest under applicable Law, exceed the maximum lawful-rate of interest. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the late fee referenced above shall not be charged with respect to the first occurrence (but not any subsequent occurrence) during any 12-month period that Tenant fails to make payment when due, unless such failure continues following the expiration of five (5) days after Landlord delivers written notice of such delinquency to Tenant.

  • No charge The provisions of this clause 13 shall not, and shall not be construed so as to, constitute a charge by a Bank over all or any part of a sum received or recovered by it in the circumstances mentioned in clause 13.3.

  • No Outstanding Charges There are no defaults in complying with the terms of the Mortgage, and all taxes, governmental assessments, insurance premiums, water, sewer and municipal charges, leasehold payments or ground rents which previously became due and owing have been paid, or an escrow of funds has been established in an amount sufficient to pay for every such item which remains unpaid and which has been assessed but is not yet due and payable. The Seller has not advanced funds, or induced, solicited or knowingly received any advance of funds by a party other than the Mortgagor, directly or indirectly, for the payment of any amount required under the Mortgage Loan, except for interest accruing from the date of the Mortgage Note or date of disbursement of the Mortgage Loan proceeds, whichever is earlier, to the day which precedes by one month the related Due Date of the first installment of principal and interest;

  • Service Charge The Tenant must pay the Service Charge in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 3. VAT The Tenant must pay: VAT on any consideration in respect of a VAT Supply to the Tenant by the Landlord at the same time as the consideration is paid; and on demand VAT (and interest, penalties and costs where these are incurred because of anything the Tenant does or fails to do) charged in respect of any VAT Supply to the Landlord in respect of the Premises where that VAT is not recoverable by the Landlord from HM Revenue & Customs. The Tenant must not do anything that would result in the disapplication of the option to tax in respect of the Landlord’s interest in the Estate. Interest on overdue payments The Tenant must pay interest on the Rents and on all other sums not paid on or by the due date (or, if no date is specified, not paid within 10 Business Days after the date of demand). Interest will be payable at the Interest Rate for the period starting on the due date (or date of demand) and ending on the date of payment. Reimburse costs incurred by the Landlord The Tenant must pay on demand the Landlord’s costs (including legal and surveyor’s charges and bailiff’s and enforcement agent’s fees) and disbursements in connection with: any breach of the Tenant’s obligations in this Lease, including the preparation and service of a notice under section 146 of the 1925 Act; any application by the Tenant for consent under this Lease, whether that application is withdrawn or consent is granted or lawfully refused, except in cases where the Landlord is required to act reasonably and the Landlord unreasonably refuses to give consent; [and] [carrying out works to the Premises to improve their Environmental Performance where the Tenant, in its absolute discretion, has consented to the Landlord doing so; and]44 the preparation and service of a schedule of dilapidations served no later than six months after the End Date. Third party indemnity45 The Tenant must indemnify the Landlord against all actions, claims, demands made by a third party, all costs, damages, expenses, charges and taxes payable to a third party and the Landlord’s own liabilities, costs and expenses incurred in defending or settling any action, claim or demand in respect of any personal injury or death, damage to any property and any infringement of any right, in each case arising from: the state and condition of the Premises or the Tenant’s use of them; the exercise of the Tenant’s rights; or the carrying out of any Permitted Works. In respect of any claim covered by the indemnity in clause 4.7.1, the Landlord must: give formal notice to the Tenant of the claim as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving notice of it; provide the Tenant with any information and assistance in relation to the claim that the Tenant may reasonably require and the Landlord is lawfully able to provide, subject to the Tenant paying to the Landlord all costs incurred by the Landlord in providing that information and assistance; and mitigate its loss (at the Tenant’s cost) where it is reasonable for the Landlord to do so.

  • Common Area Charges Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as additional rent, an amount equal to One Hundred percent (100.00%) of the total common area charges as defined below. Tenant’s percentage share of common area charges shall be paid as follows. Tenant’s estimated monthly payment of common area charges payable by Tenant during the calendar year in which the term commences is set forth in paragraph 4(b) of this lease. Prior to the commencement of each succeeding calendar year of the term (or as soon as practicable thereafter, Landlord shall deliver to Tenant a written estimate of Tenant’s monthly payment of common area charges. Tenant shall pay, as additional rent, on the first day of each month during the term in accordance with paragraph 4(b) of the lease, its monthly share of common area charges as estimated by Landlord. Within one hundred twenty (120) days of the end of each calendar year and of the termination of this lease (or as soon as practicable thereafter), Landlord shall deliver to Tenant a statement of actual common area charges incurred for the preceding year. If such statement shows that Tenant has paid for less than its actual percentage, then Tenant shall on demand pay to Landlord the amount of such deficiency. If Tenant fails to pay such deficiency due within ten (10) days after demand, Tenant shall pay an additional ten percent (10%) of the amount due as a penalty. If such statement shows that Tenant has paid more than its actual percentage share then Landlord shall, at its option, promptly refund such excess to Tenant or credit the amount thereof to the common area charge next becoming due from Tenant. Landlord reserves the right to revise any estimate of common area charges if actual or projected common area charges show an increase or decrease in excess of 10% from any earlier estimate for the same period. In such event, Landlord shall deliver the revised estimate to Tenant, together with an explanation of the reasons therefore, and Tenant shall revise its payments accordingly. Landlord’s and Tenant’s obligation with respect to adjustments at the end of the term or earlier expiration of this lease shall survive such termination or expiration. “Common area charges,” as used in this lease, shall include, but not be limited to, (i) all items identified in paragraphs 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 16 as being common area charges; (ii) amortization of such capital improvements having a useful life greater than one year as Landlord may have installed for the purpose of reducing operating costs and/or to comply with governmental rules and regulations promulgated after completion of the building (Tenant’s share of any such capital improvement shall equal Tenant’s proportionate share of the fraction of the cost of such capital improvement equal to the remaining term of the lease over the useful life of such capital improvement); (iii) salaries and employee benefits (including union benefits) of personnel engaged in the operation and maintenance of the Project (or the building in which the Premises are located) and payroll taxes applicable thereto; (iv) supplies, materials, equipment and tools used or required in connection with the operation and maintenance of the Project; (v) licenses, permits and inspection fees; (vi) a reasonable reserve for repairs and replacement of equipment used in the maintenance and operation of the Project; (vii) all other operating costs incurred by Landlord in maintaining and operating the Project; and (viii) an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the actual expenditures for the aggregate of all other common area charges as compensation for Landlord’s accounting and processing services.

  • Utility Charges Tenant shall pay or cause to be paid all charges for electricity, power, gas, oil, water and other utilities used in connection with the Leased Property.

  • Common Area Maintenance Subject to Articles Eleven and Twelve, Landlord shall maintain the Common Areas in good order, condition, and repair. Common Area Maintenance expenses (“CAM Expenses”) are all costs and expenses associated with the operation and maintenance of the Common Areas and the repair and maintenance of the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical, utility and safety systems (to the extent not performed by Tenant), including, but not limited to, the following: gardening and landscaping; snow removal; utility, water, sewage and property drainage services for the Common Area; maintenance of signs (other than tenants’ signs); worker’s compensation insurance; personal property taxes; rentals or lease payments paid by Landlord for rented or leased personal property used in the operation or maintenance of the Common Areas; fees for required licenses and permits routine maintenance and repair of roof membrane, flashings, gutters, downspouts, roof drains, skylights and waterproofing; maintenance of paving, (including sweeping, striping, repairing, resurfacing and repaving); general maintenance; painting; lighting; cleaning; refuse removal; security and similar items; reserves for roof replacement, exterior painting and other appropriate reserves; and a property management fee not to exceed five percent (5%) of building revenues. Landlord may cause any or all of such services to be provided by third parties and the cost of such services shall be included in CAM Expenses. With respect to any CAM Expenses which are included for the benefit of the Property and other property. Landlord shall make a reasonable allocation of such cost between the Property and such other property. CAM Expenses shall not include the cost of capital repairs and replacements; provided, however, that (a) the annual depreciation (based on the useful life of the item under generally accepted accounting principles) of any such capital repair or replacement to the Common Areas or the heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, plumbing, electrical, utility and safety systems serving the Property, shall be included in the CAM Expenses each year during the Lease Term; and (b) the cost of capital improvements undertaken to reduce CAM Expenses or made in order to comply with legal requirements shall be included in CAM Expenses each year during the term of this Lease.

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