Minimum Work Sample Clauses

Minimum Work. Any employee who is scheduled or is called to report for work outside of his schedule and reports ready for duty at the time specified shall be granted a minimum of four (4) hours of work. Should an employee receive less than four (4) hours of work in any one (1) day, the Company shall pay the employee a sum equal to the amount he would have received had he worked four (4) hours at straight time. Any employee shall not be considered to have been scheduled for or ordered to report for work for purposes of this Paragraph: (a) if the Company calls the last telephone number supplied to the Company by the employee at least two (2) hours prior to the time last specified for the employee to report for work that there is no work available for said employee for that time; or (b) if the employee does not furnish the Company with a telephone number at which he may be contacted and if the employee is informed that there is no work available for said employee for that time by his supervisor upon such employee reporting for work.
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Minimum Work. Employees called to work outside their regular shift or workweek shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours work at the applicable rate. In the event two (2) hours work is not required, employees shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay. Such application shall not apply to early beginnings or extensions of regular shifts.
Minimum Work. Programme [Biddable item] Undertake geological, geochemical, geophysical and related studies and, where available review relevant existing data - including seismic, gravity and magnetic, maps, reports and publications on the Contract Area. [The acquisition, processing and interpretation of not less than XXX line kilometres of 2D seismic data]. [The acquisition, processing and interpretation of not less than XXX square kilometres of 3D seismic data]. [The drilling of XXX Exploration Xxxxx whose location and depth Government and Licensee shall agree on].
Minimum Work. In the event an employee starts work or is required to stand by, the 17 employee shall be paid for all hours actually worked, but in no event less than four (4) hours. 18
Minimum Work. EMMR shall not cease to conduct or cause to be conducted surface mining operations on the Mining Properties or cease to use or cause to be used the Mining Properties for purposes incidental to surface mining operations for more than four consecutive years during the Initial Term of this Agreement or any extension thereof. “Surface mining operations” include, but are not limited to, those activities identified in California Public Resources Code section 2735 and California Code of Regulations, Title 14, section 3501, in both cases to the extent consistent with the term “Above-Ground Mining Activities” as defined in this Agreement. “Purposes incidental to surface mining operations” include, but are not limited to, coordination of, and sales and shipment of Materials, maintenance of roads as may be EMMR’s responsibility under the Transition Agreements, performance of reclamation work pursuant to the approved Reclamation Plan 107 or any amendment thereto as may be EMMR’s responsibility under this Agreement, processing, sorting, and stockpiling of Materials for sales and shipment, and administrative activities incidental to EMMR’s surface mining operations, to the extent consistent with the term “Above-Ground Mining Activities” as defined in this Agreement.

Related to Minimum Work

  • Tenant Improvement Plans Any work proposed by Tenant (the “Tenant Improvements”) shall be subject to Landlord’s reasonable prior approval and shall be subject to the other terms and conditions of this Exhibit C; provided that it will be reasonable for Landlord to withhold its approval or consent (as and when applicable under this Exhibit C) if Landlord’s Mortgagee has not consented to the matter that is the subject of such approval or consent. All architectural, engineering and other design fees shall be paid by Tenant. Tenant shall use its architect, engineers and other design professionals, all of whom shall comply with any applicable licensing or governmental requirements of the City of Seattle and the State of Washington; Tenant’s architect shall be approved by Landlord (“Tenant’s Architect”), which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Landlord shall also be entitled to receive a copy of the agreement between Tenant and Tenant’s Architect (the “Architect Agreement”). Tenant shall cause Tenant’s Architect to prepare a draft space plan (the “Space Plan”) for the Tenant Improvements and shall submit the proposed Space Plan to Landlord for the latter’s approval (not to be unreasonably withheld) in a time period to allow Tenant to timely complete its Tenant Improvements under this Lease. Landlord shall deliver to Tenant any written objections, questions or comments of Landlord with regard to the Space Plan within ten (10) business days of receipt; Landlord’s consent thereto shall be deemed given if not denied in writing within said ten (10) business day period. If Landlord denies its approval, it shall specify the reasons for doing so in detail. Tenant shall cause the Space Plan to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said Space Plan to Landlord for approval. Such process shall continue until Landlord has approved the Space Plan. Tenant’s Architect shall then prepare working drawings and specifications for the Tenant Improvements, including architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and fire protection drawings as required, suitable for permit application (the “Working Drawings”) and shall submit the proposed Working Drawings to Landlord for the latter’s approval in a time period to allow Tenant to timely complete its Tenant Improvements under this Lease. The Space Plan and Working Drawings shall be subject to Landlord’s approval, which Landlord agrees shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed. Landlord shall not be deemed to have acted unreasonably if it withholds its approval thereof because, in Landlord’s reasonable opinion, the work, as described in any such item: (i) is likely to adversely affect Building Systems, the structure of the Building or the safety of the Building and/or their occupants; (ii) might impair Landlord’s ability to furnish services to Tenant or other tenants in the Building; (iii) would materially increase the cost of operating the Building; (iv) would violate any governmental laws, rules or ordinances (or interpretations thereof); (v) contains or uses hazardous or toxic materials or substances; (vi) would negatively affect the appearance of the Building; (vii) is reasonably likely to adversely affect another tenant’s premises; or (viii) is prohibited by any ground lease affecting the Building or any mortgage, trust deed or other instrument encumbering the Building. Landlord shall deliver to Tenant any written objections, questions or comments of Landlord with regard to the Working Drawings, within ten (10) business days of Landlord’s receipt of the Working Drawings; Landlord’s consent thereto shall be deemed given if not denied in writing within said ten (10) business day period. If Landlord denies its approval, it shall specify the reasons for doing so in detail. Tenant shall cause the Working Drawings to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said Working Drawings to Landlord for approval. Landlord may, when approving the Tenant Improvement Plans, elect to require Tenant to remove any Non-Standard Improvements which are made to the Premises. If Landlord so elects, Tenant shall, at its own cost, restore the Premises to the condition designated by Landlord in its election, before the last day of the Term. Such process shall continue until both parties have approved the Working Drawings. Landlord’s approval of the Space Plan and/or the Working Drawings shall not be deemed any representation or warranty that the same comply with applicable codes.

  • Tenant Improvement Allowance Items Except as otherwise set forth in this Tenant Work Letter, the Tenant Improvement Allowance shall be disbursed by Landlord only for the following items and costs (collectively the “Tenant Improvement Allowance Items”):

  • Minimum Sales 4.1 The minimum volume of sales of the Products that CSR commits to use its best efforts to achieve in the Territory on an annual basis in the first Agreement Year is 60,000 gallons (avg. 5,000 gallons per month). RCAI will review the annual volumes of sales of the Products prior to the beginning of any successive term during which this Agreement may continue and RCAI may change and adjust such minimums as it, in its sole judgment, sees fit.

  • Tenant Improvement Costs The Tenant Improvements’ cost (the “Tenant Improvement Costs”) shall mean and include any and all costs and expenses of the Work, including, without limitation, all of the following:

  • Budget For Tenant Improvements A preliminary detailed breakdown by trade of the costs incurred or that will be incurred in connection with the design and construction of the Tenant Improvements is set forth on Schedule 3 attached hereto (the “Budget”). The Budget is based upon the TI Construction Drawings approved by Tenant and shall include a payment to Landlord of administrative rent (“Administrative Rent”) equal to 1.5% of the TI Costs, which Administrative Rent shall include, without limitation, all out-of-pocket costs, expenses and fees incurred by or on behalf of Landlord arising from, out of, or in connection with monitoring the construction of the Tenant Improvements and Changes, and shall be payable out of the TI Fund. Landlord shall provide Tenant with a final Budget promptly following approval of the TI Construction Drawings by Landlord and Tenant. The Budget shall be subject to Tenant’s review and approval which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by Tenant. Tenant shall have the right to approve any use of the contingency in the Budget by Landlord; provided, however, that, Tenant’s approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and the contingency shall not be available for use by Tenant for any Changes until all unforeseen conditions, changes to resulting from governmental agencies and the like have first been paid for out of the contingency.

  • Tenant Improvement Allowance Subject to the terms of this Section 38 set forth below, there shall be paid by the Landlord as the Landlord’s contribution toward Tenant’s Initial Alterations, the sum (“Allowance”) of $7,191,555.84, based upon a contribution of $68.04 per rentable square foot for 105,696 rentable square feet in the Initial Premises. Tenant shall submit to Landlord Tenant’s good faith estimate (“Qualified Cost Estimate”) of the Qualified Costs (hereinafter defined) to be incurred by Tenant in connection with its move to and the construction of Initial Alterations in the Premises. Installments of the Allowance shall be payable in accordance with the procedures set forth below. Installments of the Allowance, which shall in no event exceed in the aggregate the amount of the Allowance, shall be paid to Tenant (or, at Landlord’s option if Landlord reasonably determines that Tenant is not paying its contractors and such failure to pay may give rise to a lien against the Building, to the order of the contractor that performed the work set forth in the respective invoices) or, at Tenant’s option to Tenant’s contractors, with respect to Qualified Costs theretofore incurred by Tenant (and not theretofore paid to Tenant or which were Tenant’s responsibility as set forth in this Article 38) for which Tenant has submitted a requisition consisting of, (i) in the case of other than costs incurred under architectural and engineering contracts (collectively “Professional Services Contracts”) or under construction contracts, such as furniture or moving or professional fees that are contracted for by Tenant separate from construction and Professional Services Contracts, paid invoices, (ii) in the case of Professional Services Contracts, invoices, and (iii) in the case of construction costs (a) an application for payment and sworn statement of a contractor performing general contracting work in the Premises substantially in the form of AIA Document G-702 covering all work for which disbursement is to be made to a date specified therein which is part of the construction contract; (b) a certification from an AIA architect substantially in the form of the Architect’s Certificate for Payment which is located on AIA Document G702, Application and Certificate of Payment; (c) contractor’s, project managers and subcontractor’s waivers of liens which shall cover all applicable items of Qualified Costs under such construction contracts for which disbursement is being requested and any other statements and forms required for compliance with the mechanics’ lien laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, together with invoices with respect to such Qualified Costs and such other supporting data as Landlord or Landlord’s Mortgagee may reasonably require; (iv) a cost breakdown for each trade or subcontractor performing the work included in Qualified Costs for which a request for disbursement under such construction contracts is being made; (v) copies of all construction contracts for the such Alterations, together with copies of all change orders, if any; and (iii) a request to disburse from Tenant containing an acknowledgement by Tenant of the work done and a good faith estimate of the cost to complete the Initial Alterations to the Premises. Upon completion of the Initial Alterations, and as part of the requisition for final disbursement of the Allowance for hard construction costs, Tenant shall furnish Landlord with: (1) general contractor and architect’s completion affidavits, (2) full and final waivers of lien, (3) receipted bills covering all labor and materials expended and used, (4) as-built plans of the Alterations, and (5) the certification of Tenant’s architect to the Landlord that, based on on-site observation and the data comprising the application for disbursement, to the best of the architect’s knowledge, information and belief, the Alterations have progressed as indicated in the application, the quality of the Alterations is in accordance with the construction contract documents and the contractor is entitled to; payment of the amount certified in the application. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Qualified Cost Estimate exceeds the Allowance, Tenant shall be entitled to payments with respect to any requisition in accordance with the terms hereof except that each individual disbursement of the Allowance by Landlord shall be in the same ratio to the amount properly requisitioned as the Allowance bears to the Adjusted Qualified Cost Estimate (hereinafter defined). “Adjusted

  • Tenant Improvements Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, Landlord agrees, at its cost and expense to complete a “turnkey” interior build-out (“Tenant Improvements”) of the Leased Premises in accordance with the conditions stated in the Work Letter attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated hereby pursuant to the Approved Final Plans to be finalized and approved in accordance with the Work Letter and upon approval attached thereto. Any changes or modifications to the Approved Final Plans thereafter must be done in writing and signed by both Tenant and Landlord in accordance with the Work Letter. So long as in accordance with Article 19 of this Lease, Tenant agrees that Landlord shall be entitled to select, in its reasonable discretion and acting in good faith, all architects, engineers, contractors and material suppliers necessary to furnish the labor and materials for the construction of the Tenant Improvements. Landlord shall be the sole contracting party with respect to the employment of contractors which perform the work necessary to construct the Tenant Improvements. Tenant shall not be entitled to access to the Leased Premises prior to the Date of Substantial Completion and Tenant shall not interfere with or impair in any material way the construction of the Tenant Improvements, and any such interference or impairment shall be included within a Tenant Delay as defined in the Work Letter and shall entitle Landlord to all remedies provided herein for breach of this Lease. Prior to the Possession Date, Tenant shall not enter into any contract for construction of any improvements within the Leased Premises with any person other than Landlord without Landlord's prior written consent. Tenant, at Tenant's expense, shall obtain and maintain any and all necessary permits and licenses to enable Tenant to conduct Tenant’s Permitted Use, and the failure of Tenant to obtain or maintain same shall not in any manner affect the Tenant’s obligations hereunder. Landlord shall be solely responsible, at its cost and expense, for obtaining all permits and approvals related to the Tenant Improvements.

  • Minimum Claims 10.2.1 The Seller shall not be liable under this Agreement for breach of any Seller’s Warranty in respect of any individual claim (or a series of claims arising from similar or identical facts or circumstances) where the liability agreed or determined (disregarding the provisions of this Clause 10.2) in respect of any such claim or series of claims does not exceed 0.1 per cent of the Headline Amount.

  • Additional Work If changes in the work seem merited by Consultant or the City, and informal consultations with the other party indicate that a change is warranted, it shall be processed in the following manner: a letter outlining the changes shall be forwarded to the City by Consultant with a statement of estimated changes in fee or time schedule. An amendment to this Agreement shall be prepared by the City and executed by both Parties before performance of such services, or the City will not be required to pay for the changes in the scope of work. Such amendment shall not render ineffective or invalidate unaffected portions of this Agreement.

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