L12 Sample Clauses

L12. 7.4.4 A teacher acting as Principal/Vice-principal shall not result in an increased workload for other Bargaining Unit members.
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L12. 1.4 A review of the staffing procedures shall be conducted each year by the Permanent Board-Federation Committee. The Permanent Board-Federation Committee will report to both the Board and the Federation by 15 December each year. (Cross reference L15.1.16)
L12. 1.7 The Committee shall normally report to the Board and the Federation within three months of having received a referral.
L12. 2.2 The Committee shall be comprised of representation from the Board and the Bargaining Unit: • The President or designate of the Bargaining Unit; • The Chief Negotiator or designate of the Bargaining Unit; • The District President or designate of the Bargaining Unit; • The Board’s Superintendent of Human Resources or designate; • The Human Resources Consultant (Secondary) or the Board’s representative responsible for secondary staffing; and, • A secondary school principal.
L12. 3.5 The School Based Work Team shall meet as required and shall report on its activities to the full school staff in a timely fashion.
L12. 2.5 It is recognized that a broader consultative process will be undertaken, which will include the Union.
L12. 2.3 When a student engages in violent behaviour toward an occasional teacher, any teacher(s) connected to the situation will be involved in the investigation process.
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