Angel definition

Angel means Agilent Technologies, Inc., a Delaware corporation.
Angel means speak “ANGLISH”.
Angel means Angel Risk Management Limited.

Examples of Angel in a sentence

  • However, because time is included in this distri- bution’s event_shape, the homogeneous+homogeneous case will have a broadcastable event_shape with num_steps = 1, allowing log_prob() to work with arbitrary length data: event_shape = (1, obs_dim) # homogeneous + homogeneous caseReferences:[1] Simo Sarkka, Angel F.

  • For further information concerning this sale, contact Joyce Angel at 989-732-3541 extension 5440.

  • Archie Andrews, age 17, lives with his mother Sara, his 21-year old brother Max, Max’s 2-year old daughter Angel, and his step-father Reggie.

  • Gurria, Angel, COVID-19: Joint Actions to Win the War, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, March 23, 2020.

  • The contact person for this bid is Angel Frazier, Procurement Agent.

More Definitions of Angel

Angel investors, participants in a “friends and family” round of financing and founders often hold common stock in a company. Normally, a holder of common stock has one vote per share on each matter presented to the stockholders for a vote, receives dividends if and when declared by the company’s board of directors and is last in line to receive proceeds in a liquidation of the company. Most investments made by venture capitalists, however, are in the form of convertible preferred stock. A new class of preferred stock often is created for each round of financing. Preferred stock gives the investor certain rights and privileges to which the common stockholders are not entitled. For instance, holders of preferred stock typically have priority over the common stockholders with respect to proceeds distributable in a liquidation of the company. Preferred stockholders also may be entitled to fixed, cumulative dividends that will be paid prior to any dividends or distributions to the common stockholders. Preferred stock often is convertible into common stock at the investor’s election and automatically upon the occurrence of certain triggering events, such as a public offering or a sale of the company at an agreed-upon threshold price. In a liquidation or sale of the company, preferred stockholders often receive a return of their capital contributions to the company and any accrued and unpaid dividends. Additionally, they may share in the distributions made to common stockholders as if their preferred shares had converted into common stock. Investors also may invest in debt securities that are convertible into stock or accompanied by equity warrants. In many ways, these investments are similar to convertible preferred stock that carries a fixed, cumulative dividend.
Angel means messenger. God sent His angel before the appearance of the Queen of the World at Fatima to deliver the message that Our Lady Herself would afterwards affirm with a warning, a promise, and a great miracle.
Angel means ‘angel’ in English.
Angel or “Business Angel” means a private individual who personally invests in entrepreneurial ventures and generally shares his business experience to help the venture grow and succeed.
Angel. -- angelos (Greek) means:
Angel is defined in the preamble to this Agreement.
Angel or “Angels” means, collectively, Mr. Liu Jun (刘俊), Mr. Xu Xiaoping (徐小平) and Mr. Chit Jeremy Chau.