Air Conditioning Units. Air conditioning is available in all units except for single-family, scattered site homes. If you wish to use the air conditioning, there is a small monthly fee to do so. These fees are listed on the separate schedule of charges list according to property.
Air Conditioning Units. CCNM provides a limited number of window air conditioning units throughout the residence. If you have an air conditioning unit in your room, there is a usage fee from May 1 – September 1. This fee is to recover the costs associated with running the air conditioning and is revised annually. CCNM reserves the right to ask you to change to another room or to remove the AC unit from your room if you are not using it. If a resident is found to have placed their own air conditioning unit in their room, you will have 24 hours to remove the unit and repair any damages that resulted from the installation and a fine of $100 will be levied and withdrawn from your damage deposit. Continued use of the non-CCNM supplied air conditioning unit may result in eviction. Residents are advised that as a Naturopathic College we strive to be energy efficient, as such, we ask that resident turn of their air conditioning when leaving their room for extended amounts of time.
Air Conditioning Units. Dust entire unit. Wash and dry filters or replace if very dirty.
Air Conditioning Units. This clause applies if the Goods comprise Air-Conditioning Units known as "Split or Window Systems" but excludes "portable units".
a) Where the Owner has quoted a rental installment for the supply and installation, the Owner will install at the Delivery Address the Air- Conditioning Unit, at no extra cost to the Lessee except
i. If the Lessee main electrical board require an upgrade to install the Air-Conditioning Unit
ii. the Air-Conditioning Unit requires more than back to back installation requiring more than 10 metres cabling to the meter box and/or more than 5 metres of the gas/refrigerant tubing connecting the outdoor unit to the indoor unit. For the avoidance of doubt, back to back installation means for the split air condition system where the compressor external unit and the room internal unit are located on the same wall near or back to back to each other
b) If the Lessee is required to move the Air-Conditioning Unit from the address the unit was installed then the Lessee must engage, at its costs, a technician to relocate the unit.
c) At the expiry of the Rental Agreement, unless it is agreed otherwise, the Owner will remove the air condition unit at the cost of Lessee.
d) If this Rental Agreement is terminated due to a default, the Owner will remove the air condition unit at the costs of the Lessee.
e) The Owner is not responsible or liable for any damage caused by the Lessee’s use of an air condition unit. Any damage to the Air-Conditioning Unit caused by the disconnection and installation other than by The Owners authorized licensed installer will be a breach of the Rental agreement and all loss arising from this breach is at the Lessees risk and cost. The Owner is not responsible for any restoration to the Lessee premises due to the disconnection and/or removal of the Air-Conditioning Unit.
Air Conditioning Units. Except as may be permitted by the Board or its designee, no window air conditioning unit shall be installed in any residence located on a Lot.
Air Conditioning Units. Tenant shall notify manager in writing of their intent to use an air conditioner so the manager may ensure that the unit will be properly installed. Installation of the air conditioning unit shall be approved by the manager. A fee of $60.00 per air conditioner shall be charged for each month the air conditioner unit or hoses are present in the window to cover increased utility usage.
Air Conditioning Units. Many, but not all, of our College Housing units come equipped with air conditioning. Student is not permitted to bring their own air conditioning units unless expressly for medical reasons approved in advance by the Assistant Xxxx of Students for Disability Services & Academic Success or their designee.
Air Conditioning Units. No window or other removable air conditioning units may be installed in any Unit, and no permanent through-wall units may be installed without approval of the ARC
Air Conditioning Units. Eighteen (18) units shall be checked daily for serviceability; and a log book shall be maintained to record activities (date/time, maintenance status, operator name, etc.). Repairs shall be performed when required by means of a DMO and/or IJO.
Air Conditioning Units. You must obtain written approval from Director before bringing to any Housing facility any air conditioning unit, which approval is at the University’s sole discretion and available only in connection to demonstrated medical need.