GT038 definition

GT038 means a gene therapeutic comprising an AAV vector containing DNA encoding an RNAi targeting rhodopsin in combination with an AAV vector containing DNA encoding a rhodopsin gene for the treatment of RHO-adRP, which is in development by Genable as of the Effective Date, and as such gene therapeutic may be modified after the Effective Date.

Examples of GT038 in a sentence

  • Genable shall provide Spark with any documentation or knowledge in its possession and control pertaining to known risks associated with GT038.

Related to GT038

  • Basic research means any original investigation for the advancement of scientific or technological knowledge that will enhance the research capacity of this state in a way that increases the ability to attract to or develop companies, jobs, researchers, or students in this state.

  • Progeny means unmodified descendent from Material, such as virus from virus, cell from cell, or organism from organism.

  • Research facility means buildings and structures, including machinery and equipment, used or to be used primarily for research or experimentation to improve or develop new tangible goods or materials or to improve or develop the production processes thereto.

  • Collaboration Know-How means all Know-How and Materials discovered, created, conceived, developed or reduced to practice in the course of performing activities under the Collaboration Program (whether solely by one Party or jointly by the Parties, in each case with their Affiliates or any Third Parties or any employees, consultants or agents of any of the foregoing which perform activities under the Collaboration Program).

  • scientific research means any activity in the field of natural or applied science for the extension of knowledge;

  • Joint Technology means the Joint Know-How and the Joint Patent Rights.

  • Collaborator An individual who is not under the direct supervision of the PI (e.g., not a member of the PI’s laboratory) who assists with the PI’s research project involving controlled-access data subject to the NIH GDS Policy. Internal collaborators are employees of the Requester and work at the same location/campus as the PI. External collaborators are not employees of the Requester and/or do not work at the same location as the PI, and consequently must be independently approved to access controlled-access data subject to the NIH GDS Policy.

  • Collaboration has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

  • Research Agreement means a new written contract, grant or cooperative agreement entered into between a person and a college or research corporation for the performance of qualified research; however, all qualified research costs generating a rebate must be spent by the college or research corporation on qualified research undertaken according to a research agreement.

  • Program Technology means Program Know-How and Program Patents.

  • Sponsored research means research, training, and other sponsored activities as defined by the federal Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget:

  • Development Application means the development application identified in Item 5 of Schedule 1 and includes all plans, reports models, photomontages, material boards (as amended supplemented) submitted to the consent authority before the determination of that Development Application.

  • Joint Know-How has the meaning set forth in Section 8.1.2.

  • Gene Therapy means a product or service for the treatment or prevention of a disease that utilizes ex vivo or in vivo delivery (via viral or nonviral gene transfer methods or systems) of Genetic Material, including any cell incorporating Genetic Material.

  • Product Technology means the Product Know-How and Product Patents.

  • Research Use shall have the meaning given in Section 2.2.2 of this Agreement.

  • New Technology means any invention, discovery, improvement, or innovation that was not available to the District on the effective date of the contract, whether or not patentable, including, but not limited to, new processes, emerging technology, machines, and improvements to or new applications of existing processes, machines, manufactures and software. Also included are new computer programs, and improvements to, or new applications of, existing computer programs, whether or not copyrightable and any new process, machine, including software, and improvements to, or new applications of, existing processes, machines, manufactures and software.

  • Licensor Technology means the Licensor Patents and the Licensor Know-How.

  • Collaboration Patent Rights means Patent Rights claiming Collaboration Know-How.

  • Development Report means a written account of Licensee’s progress under the Development Plan having at least the information specified on Appendix B to this Agreement, and shall be sent to the address specified on Appendix B.

  • Research and development facility means an establishment engaged in laboratory, scientific, or experimental testing and development related to new products, new uses for existing products, or improving existing products. The term does not include an establishment engaged in efficiency surveys, management studies, consumer surveys, economic surveys, advertising, promotion, banking, or research in connection with literary, historical, or similar projects.