Examples of In Development in a sentence
In the standard distribution a reasonable configuration is defined for each context:• In the Production context all caches are enabled, logging is reduced to a minimum and only generic, friendly error messages are displayed to the user (more detailed descriptions end up in the log).• In Development context caches are active but a smart monitoring service flushes caches automatically if PHP code or configuration has been altered.
In Development Projects that are constructed in phases, Affordable Units must be constructed and occupied in proportion to the number of units in each phase of the Development Project.
In Development Plan Document (DPD) 2 ‘Site Development Policies Preferred Options Consultation Draft’ of the new LDF, the application site is allocated for Health use.
Development Banks in the Andean Amazon.” In Development Banks and Sustainability in the Andean Amazon.1-46.
In: Development and Plasticity of the Mammalian Spinal Cord Goldberger, M., Gorio, A.
In Development Impact Fees: Policy Rationale, Practice, Theory, and Issues, edited by Arthur C.
In Development Tracking and Reporting DER GrowthCoordinated review of information regarding DER growth, including types of DER, size of DER, etc.
In Development Plans and development decisions, boroughs (particularly but not exclusively those in CAZ and inner London) should take into account the supply and demand for industrial and related uses providing essential functions and services to the CAZ.
Some of the possible real estate projects are described in the section called Description of Properties and Real Estate Projects In Development, and some of the acquisitions will emerge throughout the course of the coming months and years.
In Development StudiesBulk Power System Planning under Increasing Penetration of Distributed Energy ResourcesGuideline providing recommended practices for performing planning studies considering the impacts of aggregate DER behavior.