Wellcome definition

Wellcome means The Wellcome Trust Limited, as trustee of the Wellcome Trust.
Wellcome means The Wellcome Trust Limited as trustee of the Wellcome Trust, a charity registered in England with number 210183, details of which are set out above. ‘Wellcome-funded IP’ means any and all Intellectual Property which is or has been created, exemplified or developed (whether in whole or in part) using the Grant, whether such Grant funds are used before or after an invention disclosure or patent filing, and whether or not any person in receipt of Wellcome funding or working on a Trust-funded activity is named in invention disclosure records. Unless specified otherwise in the Award Letter, “Wellcome-funded IP” does not include the copyright in artistic works, books, articles, scientific papers, lectures or audio or visual aids to the giving of lectures or teaching. ‘Wellcome-funded Project’ means the research funded by the Grant. CONSENT TO EXPLOIT WELLCOME-FUNDED IP In consideration for entering into the terms of this Agreement and pursuant to the Grant Conditions and the Award Letter, Wellcome consents to the exploitation of the Wellcome-funded IP in accordance with the details set out in the Schedules to this Agreement.
Wellcome means The Wellcome Trust Limited as trustee of the Wellcome Trust, a charity registered in England with number 210183, details of which are set out above.

Examples of Wellcome in a sentence

  • It emerges from section 1.1 of thatadministered in different ways (for example Ventolin inhalable or injectable).notification that ‘Glaxo Wellcome’ refers to Glaxo Well- (14) The relevant pharmaceutical products cover a variety of come plc.

  • Government securities and corporate bondsPurchase/sale of corporate bonds (depending on the remaining time to maturity,i.e. the ‘duration’, charged on the transferred amount)sPrimary market orders are executed (if customer receives any amount of the issue) on the day T+1 (money) and T+2 (paper).

  • I recently commented on the wolf paintings of the famous Wolf-Man on display in the Wellcome Institute: ‘Wolves in the Asylum at the Wellcome’, Open Graves, Open Minds, 17 September 2016, http://www.opengravesopenminds.com/exhibitions/wolves-in- the-asylum-at-the-wellcome/.

Related to Wellcome

  • Alumni means the persons who have received degrees, diplomas or certificates from Ryerson Institute of Technology, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Ryerson Polytechnic University or Ryerson University and who are no longer registered as students; (amended)

  • Schools means preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and similar facilities, both public and private, used primarily for the instruction of minors.

  • Riverine means relating to, formed by, or resembling a river (including tributaries), stream, brook, etc.