Examples of Watercourse in a sentence
Watercourse includes specifically designated areas in which substantial flood damage may occur.
Note 36 -For representative diagrams that define the different landform elements that make up a watercourse refer to Figure 1 - Cross Section Through a Watercourse and Figure 2 – Plan View of a Watercourse.
In inland lakes, wetlands, or marine environments, it refers to those parts of the Watercourse bed and banks that are frequently flooded by water so as to leave a mark on the land and where the natural vegetation changes from predominately aquatic vegetation to terrestrial vegetation (excepting water tolerant species).
Cleaning of equipment shall take place outside of the Watercourse and Lake Protection Zone (WLPZ) and prior to entering the water.
Huff stated, “My understanding is that violations have been issued for failure to have the required fire box and fire tools on the project site, failure to have a copy of the Exemption on the project site, operations on saturated soils, and falling of trees in a Watercourse and Lake Protection Zone.