Perennial stream definition

Perennial stream means a well-defined channel that contains water year round during a year of normal rainfall with the aquatic bed located below the water table for most of the year. Groundwater is the primary source of water for a perennial stream, but it also carries stormwater runoff. A perennial stream exhibits the typical biological, hydrological, and physical characteristics commonly associated with the continuous conveyance of water.
Perennial stream means a well-defined channel that contains water year round during a year of normal rainfall. Generally, the water table is located above the streambed for most of the year and groundwater is the primary source for stream flow. A perennial stream exhibits the typical biological, hydrological, and physical characteristics commonly associated with the continuous conveyance of water.
Perennial stream means a stream or part of a stream that flows continuously during all of the calendar year as a result of ground-water discharge or surface runoff. The term does not include "intermittent stream" or "ephemeral stream."

Examples of Perennial stream in a sentence

  • Perennial stream: A perennial streamhas flowing water year-round during a typical year.

  • Impairments (2016 Integrated Report) Segment 1242F: Pond Creek: Perennial stream from the confluence with the Brazos River in Milam County upstream to the headwaters 0.18 km north of F 935 in Bell County Assessment Unit Impairment Category Year Listed1242F_01 bacteria 5b 2010 Potential Sources: UnknownProject NarrativeProblem/Need StatementWater quality in Pond Creek currently exceeds recreational use standards and, as a result, a Recreational Use Attainability Analysis was conducted in 2012.

  • Soliman (2008) uses net working capital changes to predict stock returns using return data from 1984 to 2002.

  • Perennial stream means a surface water body that flows continuously throughout the year in most years and shown on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System (GIS) hydrography coverages or, in the case of a Special Water Resource Protection Area (SWRPA) pursuant to the Stormwater Management rules at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.5(h), C1 waters as shown on the USGS quadrangle map or in the County Soil Surveys.

  • Perennial stream flow occurs in the upper mountainous portions of Oahu drainages because of persistent rainfall throughout the year.

More Definitions of Perennial stream

Perennial stream means a stream or part of a stream that flows continuously during all of the calendar year as a result of groundwater discharge or surface runoff.
Perennial stream means a stream or part of a stream that flows continuously during all of the
Perennial stream means natural waters of the state with a defined stream bed and bank and constant source of flowing water.
Perennial stream means a watercourse or portion, segment or reach of a watercourse, generally exceeding 0.25 square miles in watershed size, in which surface flows are not frequently or consistently interrupted during normal seasonal low flow periods. Perennial streams that begin flowing subsurface during low flow periods, due to natural geologic conditions, remain defined as perennial. All other streams, or stream segments of significant length, shall be termed intermittent. A perennial stream shall not include the standing waters in wetlands, lakes, and ponds.
Perennial stream means a stream that has continuous flow
Perennial stream means a stream defined as perennial in the latest version of Guidelines for Environmental Management of Development in Montgomery County, Maryland (MNCPPC).
Perennial stream means a stream as defined in 15A NCAC 02B .0233.