Public infrastructure definition

Public infrastructure means those elements of infrastructure that are planned to be dedicated to the City or other public entities as a condition of the approval of a Development Application.
Public infrastructure means all improvements listed in
Public infrastructure means a building, highway, road, excavation, and repair work or other project development or public improvement on the Project Site, paid for in whole or in part from public funds, without regard to whether the work is done under public supervision or direction, and the categories of work included in the definition of Project in this Agreement.

Examples of Public infrastructure in a sentence

  • The City and Developer specifically agree and acknowledge that Developer shall be entitled but not required to seek the creation of a PID permitted by Utah law, particularly Title 17D, Chapter 4, titled the Public Infrastructure District Act, (the “PID Act”), as determined by Developer, in order to implement and facilitate the financing, construction and operation of public infrastructure for the Planned Community.

  • If pursuant to a final inspection, the City’s Public Works Director requires repairs, corrections, or further measures to be taken in order for the Public Infrastructure to meet State law, local ordinance, City standards, and/or the terms of this Agreement, then Developer shall call for another final inspection once Developer believes the necessary measures are completed.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, a subsequently created PID that undertakes the construction and installation of some or all of the Public Infrastructure pertaining to the Hidden Canyon Planned Development may work through any issues related to providing an improvement completion assurance with the City (however, this provision does not constitute a waiver of the requirements established and not waived or exempted for public entities under state law and local ordinance).

  • Developer shall repair any defect in the design, workmanship or materials in all Public Infrastructure which becomes evident during a period of one year following the acceptance of the improvements by the City Council or its designee (Durability Testing Period).

  • The improvements set forth in the Developer’s Plans, as shown in Exhibit “B” generally represent an overview of a portion of the Public Infrastructure water improvements required to be constructed, installed, and oversized by Developer or a PID, if approved and created.

More Definitions of Public infrastructure

Public infrastructure means publicly owned physical infrastructure necessary to support economic development projects, including, but not limited to, sewers, water supply systems, utility extensions, streets, wastewater treatment systems, storm water management systems, and facilities for pretreatment of wastewater to remove phosphorus.
Public infrastructure means any (tangible and/or intangible) asset(s) of public interest or benefit designed and operated for the purpose of delivering (directly or indirectly) public services, including physical facilities and systems.
Public infrastructure means local roads and streets, access roads, bridges, and sidewalks; waste disposal systems; water and sewer line extensions and water distribution and purification facilities, and sewage treatment facilities; rail or air or water port improvements; gas and electric utility facilities; transit capital facilities; development and improvement of publicly owned industrial and commercial sites, or other public capital improvements that are an essential precondition to a business retention, development or expansion.
Public infrastructure means water production, delivery and
Public infrastructure means publicly owned physical infrastructure in this state, including, but not limited to, wastewater collection and treatment systems, drinking water systems, storm sewers, utility extensions, telecommunications infrastructure, streets, roads, bridges, parking ramps, facilities that support basic science and clinical research, and research infrastructure; and
Public infrastructure. ’ means infrastructure owned by the state or infrastructure in relation to which a public-private partnership or a concession agreement exists;