Riparian definition

Riparian means an owner of land abutting a navigable waterway.
Riparian means the owner, lessee or occupant of land that abuts a navigable body of water.
Riparian means relating to or living or located on the bank of a natural water course, such as a stream, lake or tidewater.

Examples of Riparian in a sentence

  • Riparian vegetation functions as a "living filter" to trap sediment, nutrients, chemical, and organic waste that are carried from the surrounding land during and following storms.

  • This project will build upon work from the Southern Hood Canal Riparian Enhancement Project Phases 1 and 2 (Project #09-1665 and #13-1173) to continue the progress made towards restoring naturally functioning riparian habitats by: 1) conducting stewardship on nearly 400 acres of riparian plantings, 2) implementing additional high priority planting projects, and 3) implementing a watershed scale knotweed control effort.

  • Riparian Area Monitoring: Ongoing site maintenance is required to ensure successful establishment of riparian plantings.

More Definitions of Riparian

Riparian means locations and associated vegetative communities related to or on the banks of rivers, streams, wetlands, marshes or other fresh water bodies.
Riparian means belonging or related to the bank of a river, stream, lake, pond or impoundment.
Riparian means the banks and other adjacent terrestrial environs of lakes, streams and wet areas, where transported surface and subsurface freshwaters provide soil moisture to support mesic vegetation.
Riparian means of, adjacent to, or living on, the bank of a river, lake, pond, ocean, sound, or other water body.
Riparian means of, on or pertaining to the bank of a natural course of water.
Riparian means of, pertaining to, or situated or dwelling on the bank of a river or other body of water.
Riparian means the land closest to the water, representing a transition from terrestrial to aquatic habitat, which may contain trees, shrubs, grasses, or a mix of vegetation types;