Viable definition

Viable means the stage of development of a human fetus at which there is a realistic possibility of maintaining and nourishing of a life outside the womb with or without temporary artificial life-sustaining support.
Viable means a disposal system or a public water supply system which is self-sufficient and has the financial, managerial, and technical capability to reliably meet standards of performance on a long-term basis, as required by state and federal law, including the federal Water Pollution Control Act and the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.
Viable means the ability of an unborn child to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid.

Examples of Viable in a sentence

  • Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, the Applicant shall not be in breach of, and shall not be subject to any liability for failure to Maintain Viable Presence to the extent such failure is caused by Force Majeure, provided the Applicant makes commercially reasonable efforts to remedy the cause of such Force Majeure.

  • Maintain Viable Presence 11 January 1, 2035 2035-2036 2035 No limitation on appraised value.

  • In order to receive and maintain the limitation authorized by Section 2.4 in addition to the other obligations required by this Agreement, the Applicant shall Maintain Viable Presence in the District commencing at the start of the Tax Limitation Period through the Final Termination Date of this Agreement.

  • Maintain Viable Presence (5 Years) 11 January 1, 2035 2035-2036 2035 No limitation on appraised value.

  • In order to receive‌ and maintain the limitation authorized by Section 2.4 in addition to the other obligations required by this Agreement, the Applicant shall Maintain Viable Presence in the District commencing at the start of the Tax Limitation Period through the Final Termination Date of this Agreement.

More Definitions of Viable

Viable means the ability of an unborn child to live outside the mother's womb, albeit
Viable as it pertains to the fetus means being able, after either spontaneous or induced delivery, to survive (given the benefit of available medical therapy) to the point of independently maintaining heart beat and respiration. The Secretary may from time to time, taking into account medical advances, publish in the Federal Register guidelines to assist in determining whether a fetus is viable for purposes of this subpart. If a fetus is viable after delivery, it is a premature infant.
Viable means the stage of development of a human fetus at which in the determination of a physician, based on the particular facts of a woman's pregnancy that are known to the physician and in light of medical technology and information reasonably available to the physician, there is a realistic possibility of the maintaining and nourishing of a life outside of the womb with or without temporary artificial life-sustaining support.
Viable means potentially able to live outside of the womb of the mother upon premature birth, whether resulting from natural causes or an abortion;
Viable means a pharmaceutical can be sold, returned to the manufacturer, wholesaler or reverse distributor with a reasonable expectation of credit, or donated to a charitable organization meeting the definition in the Internal Revenue Code and permitted in accordance with Chapter 64F-12, F.A.C.
Viable means that seeds are capable of producing a normal seedling under optimum growing conditions after all forms of dormancy have been overcome, if present.
Viable means that seeds are capable of producing a normal seedling under optimum growing