Undivided Shares definition

Undivided Shares means those equal undivided parts or shares of and in the Lot and of and in the Development allocated in accordance with the provisions of these presents or in accordance with any Sub-Deed;
Undivided Shares means that or those equal undivided part(s) or share(s) of and in the said land and the Estate allocated in accordance with the provisions of this Deed or in accordance with any Sub-Deed (if any);
Undivided Shares. All or any of the 3,781 equal undivided parts or shares into which the Land and the Estate are notionally divided. "Works and Installation" The major works and installations in the Estate (whether forming part of the Estate Common Areas and Estate Common Facilities or not) as set out in the Third Schedule hereto which require regular maintenance on a recurrent basis.

Examples of Undivided Shares in a sentence

  • Upon execution of this Deed, the First Owner shall assign to and vested in the Manager free of costs or consideration as trustee for all Owners the Undivided Shares allocated to the Common Areas and Facilities together with the Common Areas and Facilities subject to and with the benefit of the Government Lease and this Deed.

  • Any charge registered in accordance with Clause 5.13(c) hereof shall be enforceable as an equitable charge by action at the suit of the Manager for an order for sale of the Undivided Shares of the defaulting Owner together with the right to the exclusive use, occupation and enjoyment of the part of the Land and the Building held therewith and the provisions of Clause 5.13(b) of this Deed shall apply equally to any such action.


  • The Manager shall hold the Undivided Shares allocated to the Common Areas and Facilities together with the Common Areas and Facilities on trust for the benefit of all Owners.

  • The right to adjust the number or numbering of Units and/or the layout of the Units and to re- designate and re-adjust the same and allocate or re-allocate an appropriate number of Undivided Shares to such Units which are owned by the First Owner without the concurrence or approval of any Owner subject to the approval (if required) of the Government authorities.

More Definitions of Undivided Shares

Undivided Shares. All those 4,952,850 equal undivided parts or shares of and in the Land and the Development as set out in Part I of the First Schedule hereto.
Undivided Shares. All or any of the 17,367 equal undivided parts or shares into which the Land and the Estate are notionally divided.
Undivided Shares means those Shares as to which no Effective Estate Freeze Election has been made and is in effect and those Shares resulting from the automatic conversion of Preferred Shares and Common Shares.
Undivided Shares means all those equal undivided parts or shares of and in the Lot and the Development as set out in the First Schedule hereto.
Undivided Shares. All those 120,792 equal undivided parts or shares of and in the Lot and the Development allocated to the Units and the Common Areas and Common Facilities as set out in the First Schedule hereto.
Undivided Shares means that or those equal undivided part(s) or share(s) of and in the said land and the Estate allocated in accordance with the provisions of this Deed or in accordance with any Sub-Deed (if any); "Unit(s)" shall mean any Residential Unit or the Car Park and after the execution of any Sub-Deed in respect of the Car Park, any Parking Space in the Car Park or any part of the said land or the Estate the exclusive right to the use possession occupation and enjoyment of which is held together with Undivided Shares in the said land and the Estate and is capable of being assigned to an Owner;
Undivided Shares. All those 7,276 equal undivided 7,785th parts or shares of and in the Lot and the Building allocated to the Residential Units, the Car Parks, the Tutorial School and the Common Areas of the Phase and Common Facilities of the Phase as set out in the First Schedule hereto.