Examples of Underground Utilities in a sentence
If the Contractor encounters Underground Utilities that inaccurately located by the Contract Documents or not previously located/marked, which could not be reasonably have been seen, the Owner may issue a written Contract Change Order to amend the Contract Price or Time through the Bulletin authorization process.
The Contractor must comply with the 1974 PA 53, as amended, MCL 460.701 et seg., and all other Laws concerning Underground Utilities.
Before performing site Work, all Underground Utilities, lines and cables (public and private) must be located and marked.
In addition, the Contractor must be responsible for immediately notifying the Owner of any contact with or damage to Underground Utilities, and for the safety, protection of and repairing any damage done to any Work, surface and subsurface facilities.
Reference is made to SGC 4.2 Physical Conditions of the Supplementary General Conditions for identification of those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures (except Underground Utilities referred to in Paragraph 4.4 herein) which are at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by the ENGINEER in the preparation of the Contract Documents.
The respective Utility Company shall be given a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours notice prior to the adjustment, and the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Virginia Underground Utilities Damage Prevention Act, Section 56-265.14 et seq., of the Va. Code.
The respective Utility Company shall be given a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours’ notice prior to the adjustment, and the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Virginia Underground Utilities Damage Prevention Act, Section 56-265.14 et seq., of the Va. Code.
Reference is made to SGC 4.2 Physical Conditions of the Supplementary General Conditions for identification of those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures (except Underground Utilities referred to in Paragraph 4.4 herein) which are at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by the Architect of Record in the preparation of the Contract Documents.
The Kodiak Island Borough Coastal Management Program Policy 5.3.2 - Transportation and Utility Routes, has a similar requirement under its Underground Utilities section - requiring, to the extent feasible, that utilities be installed underground in areas of high recreation or scenic value or intensive public use.
The design engineer is referred to the City of Tallahassee Underground Utilities Technical Specifications for Water and Sewer Construction, which provides Contractors with product details and installation procedures to be used when constructing water and sewer system components.