Examples of Third Party Liability in a sentence
The purpose of this section of the provider manual is to provide a good understanding of Third Party Liability (TPL) and MO HealthNet.
The provider must submit this type of claim to the Third Party Liability Unit at P.O. Box 6500, Jefferson City, MO 65102-6500 for special handling.
If the participant requires copies of bills or medical records for a reason other than third party liability, it is not necessary to contact the Third Party Liability Unit or complete the forms referenced above.• Prior to releasing bills or medical records to the participant, the provider must stamp or write across the bill, “Paid by MO HealthNet” or “Filed with MO HealthNet” in compliance with 13 CSR 70-3.040.
There are certain claims that are not subjected to Third Party Liability edits in the MO HealthNet payment system.
Employment Practices Liability coverage must specifically state Third Party Liability coverage is included.