Solar Power Developer (SPD definition

Solar Power Developer (SPD means Empanelled Vendor(s) to whom the project is/are allocated.
Solar Power Developer (SPD means successful bidder(s) to whom the project is/are allocated.
Solar Power Developer (SPD means Empanelled Vendor(s) to whom the project is/are allocated. 1.58 “Specification” shall mean the RFP Document forming a part of the contract along with Proforma, schedules,appendixes and Annexures. 1.59 “Sub-Division” shall mean Operation and Maintenance Sub-Division ofDISCOM. 1.60 “Central Financial Assistance (CFA)” shall mean subsidy to be provided by MNRE under the ambit of Phase-II Rooftop Solar Scheme. 1.61 “System” shall mean the Grid connected Rooftop Solar System as per RFP Document that shall be supplied, installed, commissioned and maintained with all other ancillary required by the vendor for satisfactory operation of the System. 1.61 “Tendered Capacity” shall mean the Total aggregate capacity in kW indicated by the Vendors through this bidding process as per terms and conditions specified therein. 1.63 Ultimate Parent Company” shall mean a company which directly or indirectly owns at least twenty six percent (26%) paid up equity capital in the Bidding Company) and/or in the Financially Evaluated Entity and such Bidding Company and /or the Financially Evaluated Entity shall be under the direct control or indirectly under the common control of such company. 1.64 “Wp” shall mean Watt Peak. 1.65 “Week” shall mean the continuous period of seven days. 1.66 Work” shall mean activities of Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of the RFP Document item for which the offers are invited. 1.67 “Allocated capacity” shall mean the capacity allocated to a bidder by concerned Ajmer DisCom/ Jaipur DisCom/ Jodhpur DisCom based on the procedure defined in Section II of this tender document. The allocated capacity will be mentioned in the Letter of Allocation (LoA).

Examples of Solar Power Developer (SPD in a sentence

  • The transmission of power up to the point of interconnection where the metering is done for energy accounting shall be the responsibility of the Solar Power Developer (SPD) at his own cost.

  • Mahagenco will sign the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with selected Solar Power Developer (SPD) and will sign back-to-back Power Sale Agreement (PSA) with MSEDCL at the tariff arrived in the reverse bidding plus the trading margin approved by MERC.

  • Mahagenco will carry out reverse bidding for selection of the Solar Power Developer (SPD).

  • They have agreed to clear all their outstanding bills (if any) with the power utility.3. The departments have agreed that they will make timely payment of electricity bills to Solar Power Developer (SPD) & DISCOM.

  • Nurse have argued that these resources serve as reminders of the underlying reasons why they chose to become hospital nurses and are crucial for counteracting the negative effects of the demands associated with continuing nursing work.When comparing these findings with prior studies and expectations, a similarity can be observed with the study conducted by Cottingham et al.

  • Further, it is incorporated that, in case the cost of bundled power exceeds the agreed Solar Tariff of PPA with Solar Power Developer (SPD), TSDiscoms shall have the right to surrender the Thermal Power at any point of time during tenure of PPA.

  • NTPC shall sign Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with Solar Power Developer (SPD) assigned by Parent Company for procurement of Solar Power on a long term basis and NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVN) on behalf of NTPC, purchase Solar Power from SPDs and sell it to TSDiscoms after bundling it with the Thermal Power allocated by MoP, GoI, for this purpose.

  • The Appellant No.2 is the Solar Power Developer (SPD) in the present matter.

  • This Agreement may be extended for a further period at least one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the Expiry Date on agreed terms and conditions between the Solar Power Developer (SPD) and OFC, KANPUR.

  • Eastern Railway (hereafter referred to as Railways) invites eligible applicants to participate in the bidding process for “Installation of on-grid Solar plant of total capacity 225 KWp through Solar Power Developer (SPD) under PPP model (phase-II)”The Project is located at Pakur in Howrah Division having an aggregated capacity of 225 KWp herein after referred to as Contracted Capacity.

Related to Solar Power Developer (SPD

  • Solar Power means power generated from the Solar Photovoltaic Power Project;

  • Power Pool means the scheme operated by the Independent System Operator under the Act for exchange of Energy and financial settlement for the exchange of Energy;

  • Power Project or “Project” shall mean the Solar power generation facility of Contracted Capacity of ………..[Insert capacity] MW, located at [Insert name of the place] in …. [Insert name of the District and State] having a separate control system, metering and separate points of injection into the grid at Delivery/Interconnection/Metering point at ISTS substation or in case of sharing of transmission lines, by separate injection at pooling point. This includes all units and auxiliaries such as water supply, treatment or storage facilities; bay/s for transmission system in the switchyard, dedicated transmission line up to the Delivery Point and all the other assets, buildings/structures, equipment, plant and machinery, facilities and related assets required for the efficient and economic operation of the power generation facility; whether completed or at any stage of development and construction or intended to be developed and constructed for the purpose of supply of power as per this Agreement;

  • Solar PV Project means the solar Photo Voltaic Power project that uses sunlight for direct conversion into electricity through Photo Voltaic technology.

  • Power Plant means a facility for the generation of

  • Power sweeper means an implement, with or without motive

  • Power boiler means a boiler in which steam or other vapor is generated at a pressure of more than 15 psig for use external to itself or a boiler in which water is heated and intended for operation at pressures in excess of 160 psig and/or temperatures in excess of 250 degrees F by the direct application of energy from the combustion of fuels or from electricity, solar or nuclear energy.

  • Fixed wing turbine powered aircraft means an aircraft that:

  • Station Power means energy used for operating the electric equipment on the site of a generation facility located in the PJM Region or for the heating, lighting, air-conditioning and office equipment needs of buildings on the site of such a generation facility that are used in the operation, maintenance, or repair of the facility. Station Power does not include any energy (i) used to power synchronous condensers; (ii) used for pumping at a pumped storage facility; (iii) used in association with restoration or black start service; or (iv) that is Direct Charging Energy. Surplus Interconnection Customer:

  • Project Company means Company incorporated by the bidder as per Indian Laws in accordance with Clause no 3.5.

  • Electric power generator means an entity that proposes to

  • Temporary clean coal technology demonstration project means a clean coal technology demonstration project that is operated for a period of five years or less and that complies with the SIP and other requirements necessary to attain and maintain the national ambient air quality standards during the project and after the project is terminated.

  • Power System means all aspects of generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity and includes one or more of the following, namely:-

  • Electric utility steam generating unit means any steam electric generating unit that is constructed for the purpose of supplying more than one-third of its potential electric output capacity and more than 25 MW electrical output to any utility power distribution system for sale. Any steam supplied to a steam distribution system for the purpose of providing steam to a steam-electric generator that would produce electrical energy for sale is also considered in determining the electrical energy output capacity of the affected facility.

  • Design-build entity means a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, or other legal entity that is able to provide appropriately licensed contracting, architectural, and engineering services as needed pursuant to a design-build contract.

  • PV means photovoltaic.

  • Electric power supplier means a person or entity that is duly

  • Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per

  • Cogeneration unit means a unit that is able to operate in cogeneration mode;

  • Combustion turbine means an enclosed fossil or other fuel-fired device that is comprised of a compressor, a combustor, and a turbine, and in which the flue gas resulting from the combustion of fuel in the combustor passes through the turbine, rotating the turbine.

  • flight crew member means a licensed crew member charged with duties essential to the operation of an aircraft during a flight duty period;

  • Life-of-the-unit, firm power contractual arrangement means a unit participation power sales agreement under which a utility or industrial customer reserves, or is entitled to receive, a specified amount or percentage of nameplate capacity and associated energy from any specified unit and pays its proportional amount of such unit's total costs, pursuant to a contract:

  • Major development means an individual “development,” as well as multiple developments that individually or collectively result in:

  • Power production activities means any business operation that involves a project commissioned by the government of Iran whose purpose is to facilitate power generation and delivery, including, but not limited to, establishing power-generating plants or hydroelectric dams, selling or installing components for the project, providing service contracts related to the installation or maintenance of the project, as well as facilitating such activities, including by providing supplies or services in support of such activities.

  • Infill development means new construction on a vacant commercial lot currently held as open space.

  • Wind Turbine means a mechanical/electrical system that converts the kinetic energy of blowing wind into mechanical or electric power.