Seller’s Policies and Procedures definition

Seller’s Policies and Procedures means Seller’s policies and normal, day-to-day operating procedures and practice in compliance with such policies and Seller’s normal financial accounting guidelines for the conduct of the business of issuing credit cards, all existing as of the date of execution of this Agreement that are in use by Seller for all of Seller’s credit card portfolio without regard to ownership of the Accounts, as modified from time to time.
Seller’s Policies and Procedures means Seller’s (a) policies and operating procedures, including the Charge-Off Policies, and (b) practices, which are (i) to the extent such practices are covered thereby, in compliance with such policies and procedures or (ii) to the extent such practices are not covered thereby, not inconsistent with such policies and procedures, all as such policies, procedures, practices and guidelines existed as of the applicable date through the date hereof or as are amended hereafter in compliance with this Agreement.
Seller’s Policies and Procedures means the standard methods which Seller uses to administer on an ongoing basis the Accounts and Receivables, whether the methods are written or oral.

Examples of Seller’s Policies and Procedures in a sentence

  • From the date of this Agreement until the Conversion Date, Seller shall not change Seller’s Policies and Procedures with respect to its collection practices of the Accounts to be Sold except as may be required by Requirements of Law or otherwise as mutually agreed in writing between the parties.

  • In the case of Purchaser’s review of Seller’s Policies and Procedures, Purchaser and its officers, accountants, counsel and other representatives, unless otherwise permitted by Seller in writing, may not photocopy any of Seller’s Policies and Procedures and may retain only summary notes regarding the same.

  • Except as disclosed on Schedule 2.22, all Other Business Activities are being conducted and transacted in accordance with all Applicable Laws, in accordance with all of Seller’s Policies and Procedures related thereto and in accordance with all Commitments that relate to such Other Business Activities.

  • If the Seller does have an Adequate Government Property System, the Seller is required to provide a copy of their latest inventory utilizing the inventory format as indicated in the Seller’s Policies and Procedures.

  • Each Account has been properly originated, maintained and serviced in all respects solely by Seller or Seller’s Card Processor in accordance with the applicable Card Agreement, Seller’s Policies and Procedures, all Requirements of Law and in a manner consistent with, and not in violation of, any standard and customary practices utilized by prudent lenders engaged in the business of lending money through credit card accounts.

  • Since (****), except as would not have a Material Adverse Effect, Seller (itself or through one or more of its Affiliates or third party service providers), with respect to the Program and the Acquired Assets, (i) has conducted and serviced the Program in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and Seller’s Policies and Procedures and (ii) has not implemented any changes to the terms and conditions contained in the Credit Card Agreements except for Ordinary Course Modifications.

  • Seller shall not change Seller’s Policies and Procedures with respect to the Services to be provided under this Servicing Agreement, except as may be required by Requirements of Law or as otherwise agreed by Seller and Purchaser in writing.

  • There is a valid and properly documented board approval form in place for each portfolio purchased consistent with Seller’s Policies and Procedures (the “Credit Approval Terms”), and any security or waiver relating to such portfolio complies in all material respects with the Credit Approval Terms granted in connection therewith.

  • Each of the Accounts has been originated solely by Seller pursuant to its underwriting, creditworthiness and other similar practices, consistent with Seller’s Policies and Procedures.

  • A copy of Seller’s Policies and Procedures, to the extent written, are attached hereto as Exhibit 3.1C-1.

More Definitions of Seller’s Policies and Procedures

Seller’s Policies and Procedures means Seller’s (a) policies and operating procedures, including the Charge-Off Policies, and(b) practices, which are (i) to the extent such practices are covered thereby, in compliance with such policies and procedures or (ii) to the extent such practices are not covered thereby, not inconsistent with such policies and procedures, all as such policies, procedures, practices and guidelines existed as of the applicable date through the date hereof or as are amended hereafter in compliance with this Agreement.
Seller’s Policies and Procedures means all policies and procedures adopted by the Seller at its premises (including but not limited to those in relation to health and safety);
Seller’s Policies and Procedures means Seller's policies and normal, day-to- day operating procedures and financial accounting guidelines for the conduct of the Business as existing as of the Closing Date.

Related to Seller’s Policies and Procedures

  • Policies and Procedures means the written policies and procedures of the Client in any way related to the Services, including any such policies and procedures contained in the Organic Documents and the Offering Documents.

  • Environmental Guidelines means the environmental guidelines and occupational health and safety standards of the World Bank Group as in effect on [Bid Date].

  • Servicer Policies and Practices means, with respect to the Servicer’s duties under Exhibit A to the Servicing Agreement, the policies and practices of the Servicer applicable to such duties that the Servicer follows with respect to comparable assets that it services for itself and, if applicable, others.

  • MERS Procedures Manual The MERS Procedures Manual, as it may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.

  • Business Contracts has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 1.01(a)(v).

  • AML/KYC Procedures means the customer due diligence procedures of a Reporting Finnish Financial Institution pursuant to the anti-money laundering or similar requirements of Finland to which such Reporting Finnish Financial Institution is subject.

  • SAP Policies means the operational guidelines and policies applied by SAP to provide and support the Cloud Service as incorporated in an Order Form.

  • railway operational procedures means procedures specified under any access agreement (as defined in the Railways Act 1993) or station lease;

  • Operating Guidelines means the guidelines for the creation and redemption of Units of a class as set out in the schedule to each Participation Agreement as amended from time to time by the Manager with the approval of the Trustee, and where applicable, with the approval of HKSCC and the Conversion Agent, and following consultation, to the extent reasonably practicable, with the relevant Participating Dealers subject always, in respect of the relevant Operating Guidelines for a Participating Dealer, any amendment being notified in writing by the Manager in advance to the relevant Participating Dealer. Unless otherwise specified, references to the Operating Guidelines shall be to the Operating Guidelines for the relevant Sub-Fund applicable at the time of the relevant Application.

  • Procurement Guidelines means the “Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and XXX Credits” published by the Bank in May 2004 and revised in October, 2006.

  • Operating Manual means the document that contains the procedures and forms for the operation of bungee jumping equipment and activity at a site.

  • Consensus Policies are those policies established (1) pursuant to the procedure set forth in ICANN’s Bylaws and due process, and (2) covering those topics listed in Section 1.2 of this Specification. The Consensus Policy development process and procedure set forth in ICANN’s Bylaws may be revised from time to time in accordance with the process set forth therein.

  • Project Operations Manual or “POM” means the Recipient’s manual referred to in Section I.D of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, as such manual may be amended from time to time with the agreement of the Association.

  • Procedures Manual means the standards and procedures manual described in Section 11.3.

  • Claims Made Policies has the meaning set forth in Section 5.01(b).

  • Privacy Policies has the meaning specified in Section 4.14(e).

  • Safeguard Policy Statement or “SPS” means ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement (2009);

  • Staff Vetting Procedures means the Authority’s procedures for the vetting of personnel and as advised to the Contractor by the Authority.

  • Standard Operating Procedures or “SOP” means the procedures as specified in the Annexes or Attachments to the relevant Schedules;

  • Federal contract information means information, not intended for public release, that is provided by or generated for the Government under a contract to develop or deliver a product or service to the Government, but not including information provided by the Government to the public (such as on public Web sites) or simple transactional information, such as necessary to process payments.

  • Procurement Policy means ADB’s Procurement Policy - Goods, Works, Nonconsulting and Consulting Services (2017, as amended from time to time);

  • Internal Procedures means in respect of the making of any one or more entries to, changes in or deletions of any one or more entries in the register at any time (including without limitation, original issuance or registration of transfer of ownership) the minimum number of the Warrant Agent’s internal procedures customary at such time for the entry, change or deletion made to be complete under the operating procedures followed at the time by the Warrant Agent, it being understood that neither preparation and issuance shall constitute part of such procedures for any purpose of this definition;

  • Federal poverty guidelines means the poverty guidelines published annually in the Federal Register by the United States Department of Health and Human Services under its authority to revise the poverty line under section 673(2) of subtitle B of title VI of the omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1981, 42 USC 9902.

  • Business association means a nonpublic corporation, joint stock company, investment company, business trust, partnership, or association for business purposes of 2 or more individuals, whether or not for profit, including a banking organization, financial organization, insurance company, or utility.

  • City Policies means any or all (as the context requires) of those procedures, standards and/or standard specifications, requirements, policies and the like listed in Schedule H or notified to the Supplier from time to time, as the same may be updated, modified, expanded, revised, supplemented and/or replaced from time to time by the City (as notified to the Supplier);